Law ?
Law for Whom ? Is Law Corrupted,
Unjust and in Disrepute ?
Is Law an Instrument for Abuse & Corruption ?
European and North American Experience
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.” President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864
(letter to Col. William F. Elkins)
Source: The Lincoln Encyclopedia: The Spoken and Written Words of A. Lincoln Arranged for Ready Reference, Archer H. Shaw (NY, NY: Macmillan, 1950)
Many types of abuse, crimes, and injustices are legitimised by corrupt laws and legal processes. For example, the large scale physical, sexual and emotional abuse of millions of children in religious run institutions and state run institutions and by wealthy powerful men for decades and centuries in several countries was carried with the complicity of corrupt politicians, governments, police and legal authorities. Thousands of these children were murdered and no criminal cases were prosecuted in courts. Let’s analyse and discuss law and what it really is. Law is created by politicians, most of whom are paid campaign money and given other payments by lobbyists, big businesses, big banks, powerfully conntected religious leaders, and wealthy individuals. These wealthy and powerful interests expect favours, special laws, special amendments to existing laws, special treatment including protection from prosecutions, special tax priviliges, special legal processes, special protections, priviliged access, special favours and priviliged information in return. Political corruption and legal corruption is very common in western developed countries and developing countries, as evidenced by many official reports by Transparency International, Amnesty International, the UN, the Brookings Institution, the World Bank, academic research from many top Universities, and the press and media. Laws are interpreted by judges and a minority can be compromised by these wealthy and powerful interests. These wealthy and powerful interests, politicians, law makers, and legal people are often members of exclusive clubs. Many also exploit exclusive family connections. Law is constructed and applied to serve the interests and the needs of the wealthiest and most powerful people in society and to serve high level state officials, enabling them to commit crimes, break laws, break the rules, and suffer no legal penalties, prosecutions or punishments. Law is a means for them to enrich themselves and empower themselves over others by corrupt legitimised means, and in the process break common laws, Constitutions, human rights laws, legal processes,and undermine natural rights. Laws, in their present form, are not just, equitable, legal and fair, and they are not there to serve the public, the public interest or the public good.
There are substantive issues here relating to serious systemic failures of law, the legal system and those working within it. These are itemised in the sections below.
The proof, the evidence of this ?
We will divide this page into the following categories of crimes, abuses and injustices
Paedophile rings involving (i) very wealthy, influential and politically connected people and (ii) powerful religious organisations. And whose crimes have ben covered up.
Political corruption which has undermined and subverted democracy and freedom and people's rights. And the use of politics and the legal system to cover this up and midirect, deceive and manipulate the people
Banking frauds which have indebted, enslaved and bankrupted nations, and continue to do so
Banking frauds which have indebted, enslaved and bankrupted businesses, individuals and families, and continue to do so
The fraudalent banking and money creation system behind the evictions of families from their homes
Cases of police corruption which undermined people's legal, Constitutional and human rights
Mafias within the legal system, involving corrupt police, prosecutors, judges, lawyers and court staff which obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice
The cover ups of serious crimes by powerful people
The instigation of wars and conflicts by corrupt arms industry interests and big banking interests and their political allies. So called 'regime change' which has been ocurring for several decades. And the refugee crisis and migrants crisis resulting from this.
The creation of artificial famines over the last 200 years
The continuing human rights abuses in several countries with close ties to rich European countries and North America
Illegal and unConstitutional biological experiments on millions of innocent people
in the 20th and 21st century
The hypocrisy of most religions, and the dominance of pharisees and selfish attitudes within them
The destructive effects of one narrow form of globalisation on individuals, families, communities, regions and countries
The illegal concentration of press and media ownership in a few hands, and use of it to provide false and misleading information and undermine democracy, freedom and Constitutions
The illegal and in some cases deliberate poisoning of the water, food and air used by people. The destructive effects on human health and on healthcare systems and budgets
Lets view the Evidence and Facts
The Jimmy Saville case in Britain is one good example. Jimmy Saville, the infamous paedophile, was a leading member of the British Establishment, and a close personal friend of Margaret Thatcher the prime minister and British royalty. He had two knighthoods, one from the Queen and one from the Pope. He escaped justice for several decades, despite the police knowing about his activities. Other celebrities including Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall and Max Cliffford escaped justice for decades. In 1984, a Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens presented the Home Secretary of the time, Leon Brittan, with a comprehensive dossier about a paedophile network operating within the British Parliament and state bodies, involving MP's, Ministers and other powerful people. These files and dossiers were also given to the police. They went missing or were lost or were shredded, and no legal action was taken against the paedophiles. No one was arrested, prosecuted and jailed. The Rotherham case in Britain involving abuse of over 1,000 children was another appaling case. In the USA, there was the infamous paedophilia cases in Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska for decades which was covered up. There was also the abuse in many religious run institutions in the USA, the Penn State University scandal and the Staten island (New York) scandal where many children were kidnapped, abused and murdered. Much of this was covered up for years. In Canada, thousands of children were sexually abused and murdered over several decades in orphanages, childrens homes and religious run institutions. These cover ups involved some leading politicians, policemen, legal professionals and state employees. Similar abuses happened to thousands of children in Australia for several decades. The Detroux case in Belgium involved politicians, business people and professionals. And the Casa Pia case in Portugal involved wealthy and influential men abusing children in orphanages and institutions. Similar cases also in France and other European countries.
Paedophile rings involving politicians, businessmen, accountants, legal professionals, bankers, academics, catholic priests and bishops, christian pastors and preachers, tv and showbusiness stars and other professionals have been operating in several European countries and North America for many decades and the police forces have not arrested them and cases have not been prosecuted in the courts. The financial crash in 2008 and bankrupting of many economies and nations provides additional context to this. Since 2008, police and public prosecutors have refused to fully investigate and prosecute the serious crimes by bankers, auditors, politicians, lobbyists, lawyers and business people. Most of the guilty have escaped jail. In the early 1990's they were jailed and fined for these crimes in the USA, but since 2008 they have not been prosecuted and punished for these same crimes.
North Wales children’s home scandal
He said: “It’s just another cover-up. This report doesn’t even name names. Half of them got away with what they did.”
Speaking about yesterday’s release, Mr Jillings said: “The treatment of children was bestial. They weren’t treated like humans. 'Children died. Some committed suicide. That’s the worst possible outcome. It was horrific.' ”
Survivor of paedophile network that killed two of his brothers blasts report for failing to name the guilty
Sunday World, 22 August 2014Scientific experiments on children
Unethical, illegal and dangerous scientific experiments were carried out on children in orphanages and state run institutions in the USA for several decades. This involved dangerous chemicals, radioactive material, experimental vaccines, LSD and other illegal drugs, electric shocks, biological toxins, and deadly viruses. Children were also starved while given these poisons. Children died or were left disabled and traumatised by this. New book documents Cold War experiments on kids Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America
by Allen M. Hornblum, Judith Lynn Newman, Gregory J. Dober
In many European countries, North America and Australasian countries thosands of children in state care and religious institution care go missing every year. This is a serious matter which requires more thorough investigation by national and international police.
"In Ireland of the 513 children who have gone missing from State care between 2000 and 2010, 440 are still unaccounted for".
This is the tip of the iceberg. Many paedophile rings involving very wealthy, influential and politically connected people existed and continue to exist in cities, towns, villages, orphanages, state institutions and religious institutions in European countries, North America, South America, Asia, Australasia and Africa. There are eye witness allegations of ritual child killings in some of these countries which are not being investigated. Some evidence has been gathered here at and There is also evidence of substantial human traficking, including child traficking across national borders, which has not been properly investigated and prosecuted. Cover ups, loss of files, suppression of evidence, destruction of evidence, non investigations, refusal to cooperate with legal authorities, refusal to hand over documents and files in police investigations, obstruction of justice, perversion of justice, acceptance of lies and perjury by the authorities, intimidation of witnesses, non prosecutions, etc. have aided and abetted these crimes.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
In Ireland and many other countries, crimes of paedophilia, child abuse, child kidnapping and murder by the catholic church for many decades was covered up by governments and by the vatican. And the laws enabled them to cover this up and enabled the police to cover it up, and it facilitated the criminals in their activities. Police investigations were not conducted or they were stopped, evidence not gathered, prosecution cases undermined or dropped and court cases quashed. Even when victims came forward, the guilty priests and nuns were protected via the government's use of 'Commissions of Enquiry'. There were no proper court cases and prosecutions. In some cases, the church paedophilia is tied into the aforementioned paedophile networks run by very wealthy businessmen, bankers, professionals and politicians in several countries. And this has not been fully investigated, and no criminal prosecutions made. Yet if any working class person tried to do this, they would be arrested and jailed.
Some current newspaper articles about this. Evidence of child mutilations, experimenting with vaccines on starving children, children dying of vaccine poisons, starvation, neglect of illnesses and diseases, and brutal beatings to death in children's homes and orphanages. Cover-ups by the church, police and state over many years.
The Ryan Report by Government Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse
Murphy Report and Ferns Report which detail the serious abuses and crimes committed by the catholic church and vatican in Ireland.
While paedophile priests and others were abusing and killing children, and were never arrested and prosecuted, and the crimes covered up, the garda special branch and army g2 were spying on innocent law abiding people and illegally
passing on secret garda / army files to catholic bishops
Paedophile ring 'abused children in State homes' - A well-organised paedophile ring involving civil servants, ex-clergy, members of political parties and even gardai infiltrated the child-care system in Ireland.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, in early 2014, issued a report asserting that the pope and the Roman Catholic Church have not done enough to protect children. The panel of the committee wants all known or suspected child molesters removed, archives on abusers and Bishops who covered up abuse opened, and instances of abuse handed to law enforcement agencies to be investigated and prosecuted. A joint statement of the panel said,
"The committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by, and the impunity of, the perpetrators." ........."Due to a code of silence imposed on all members of the clergy under penalty of excommunication, cases of child sexual abuse have hardly ever been reported to the law enforcement authorities in the countries where such crimes occurred."
This is the tip of the iceberg. It involves catholic, protestant and some christian churches. In Canada thousands of children were sexually abused and murdered over several decades in orphanages, childrens homes and religious run institutions. In Australia and the USA similar crimes occurred. There are religious paedophile rings in European countries, the Vatican, North America, South America, Asia, Australasia and Africa. There are eye witness allegations of ritual child killings in some of these countries which have not been investigated. Some evidence has been gathered here at and and Christian child abuse around the world. There is evidence of substantial child trafficking which has not been properly investigated and prosecuted. Cover ups, loss of files, suppression of evidence, destruction of evidence, non investigations, refusal to cooperate with legal authorities, refusal to hand over documents and files in police investigations, obstruction of justice, perversion of justice, acceptance of lies and perjury by the authorities, intimidation of witnesses, non prosecutions, etc. have aided and abetted these crimes.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The illegal use of paedophile rings and sex rings by organisations to ensnare and blackmail politicians, government ministers, state employees, senior civil servants and judges in several countries has not been fully investigated, and no criminal prosecutions have been made. This represents an attack on democracy and democratic institutions.
The great American President John F. Kennedy warned peoples and nations about these issues
Economics, Business and Banking
The US Supreme court in it’s judgment in the case of Citizen’s United vs Federal Election Commission in 2010 ruled that companies can make unlimited financial contributions to politicians as the court perceives these companies to be individual human beings and have the same rights as individual human beings to exercise “free speech”. It’s an extraordinary error to equate a company with a human being, and to misuse the human being's right to "free speech" to facilitate unscrupulous companies to bribe and corrupt politicians. This facilitates the purchase of politicians and the purchase of top state employees and other organs of government and the justice system. This corrupt purchasing of politicians and senior state employees has serious consequences :
it completely undermines and destroys democracy. It takes power away from the people and gives it to an unelected oligarchy, similar to monarchy in the past.
facilitates corruption of politicians and governments which can bankrupt countries through massive accumulation of debt and political servitude to wealthy / powerful special interests
corruption which leads to profitable but fraudalent embroilment in foreign wars
the creation of corrupt laws which contradict Constitutions, Common laws, and human rights
the creation of an "underclass" which is deprived of basic rights and human dignity
the corruption of legal processes and the judiciary
political / legal corruption which facilitates and encourages the creation of massive speculative bubbles in asset prices and crashes which can destroy banking systems and whole economies.
These anti-democratic conditions exist. The deficiencies in law and in interpretations of the Constitution are dangerous to democracy, freedom and the Constitution.
Rigged Justice System speech and report by Senator Warren in the US Congress in 2016
In Ireland the organisation Justice For All ( and Integrity Ireland ( are involved in gathering evidence of the misbehaviour, illegal activities and corruption of some police and other state bodies. Thousands of cases have been brough to light and are verified by sworn affidavitts Some serious cases which have emerged in recent years include :
the murder of Fr. Niall Molloy in Offaly in 1985 and the cover up of this murder
The Mary Boyle case in Donegal, where a child was kidnapped and there was illegal government interference in the police investigation. After 30 years there are continuing calls for police investigations, official inquiries and tribunals to discover what happened to Mary Boyle. Article in the Irish Times newspaper, July 2016
The Manning case in Mayo where court summonses were ignored by Judges and courts, and a man was deprived of justice for many years. A dangerous new legal precedent has been set where court summonses can be ignored by criminals, witnesses, defendents, plaintiffs, and by Judges and courts. This precedent means that every court summons has no legal basis and can be ignored. This brings the whole legal system into disrepute.
the revelations of the police whistleblower Garda Mccabe and Garda Wilson. McCabe: Gardaí ‘falsified’ hundreds of crime records. Irish Examiner April 26th 2014 where hundreds of crimes were not investigated, but attempts were made to falisify reports saying that they were investigated.
the Penalty Points scandal involving thousands of corrupt cases
the use of illegal drugs by celebrities, politicians and big business people in Dublin, and no investigations and prosecutions of these crimes
The Sheedy case
The Curtin case
While paedophile priests and others were abusing and killing children, and were never arrested and prosecuted, and the crimes covered up, the garda special branch and army g2 were spying on innocent law abiding people and illegally
passing on secret garda / army files to catholic bishops
The Nicky Kelly case and Sallins train robbery cases
the Kieran Boylan cases involving a drug dealer who managed to escape prosecution and jail many times and allegations that he had information on ‘rogue police'
the Jerry McGrath cases involving sexual assaults and rape of women which went unpunished by legal authorities and then murder while out on bail.
the paedophile rings run by business men, bankers, professionals, politicians and other powerful people in different part of Ireland
the paedophilia and other abuses of the catholic church for over 100 years in Ireland
In most of the cases above, there was no proper investigaton, no arrests and prosecutions of the guilty parties.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
In most European countries and some American states, there is a big social problem with repeat offenders continuing to commit crimes and terrorise people and communities. One regularly sees serious criminals with 20, 30, 40 or more criminal convictions receiving light sentences from courts and then continuing to commit more crimes. The main problem here is:
criminals lie to police and this leads to official state documents based on lies. Then they lie to courts and are not punished for this lying. Most police forces do not bother to do undercover work to expose the lies and deceptions of criminals. Many Public Prosecutors are handed incomplete files, the findings of incomplete investigations, and the lies of criminals. This often results in cases not being prosecuted or going to court. This deprives the victims of crime of proper justice under the law.
most judges and prosecutors impose very lenient sentences. By doing so, they are aiding and abetting these criminals in their criminal behaviour. There is no "3 strikes and you are out" measures in most states and countries. This means many criminals can commit 10, 20, 30, 40 or more crimes and terrorise people and communities.
governments are refusing to build extra prisons and prison spaces to accommodate the growth in criminals and crime.
the existence of "sweetheart deals" where a criminal is given a long sentence by one judge, and a few days or weeks later, another judge working together with the Public Prosecutor, some police and the lawyer of the criminal devise a corrupt deal to release the criminal from prison immediately, and claim he is going to do an educational course. These corrupt "sweetheart deals" are quite common and have aided and abettted criminals in committing further crimes. Many criminals with several convictions have made use of "sweetheart deals" to keep breaking the law.
giving bail to criminals with many convictions and who are likely to re-offend. They then commit further crimes on bail. Yet the judge, the prosecutor and police are not held accountable for giving the criminal bail..
no monitoring and auditing of controversial public prosecutor decisions, court decisions and judges to identify inconsistencies, irregularities, possible fraud, political interference, 'golden circles' and conflicts of interest in villages, towns and cities.
no investigations of entrapment of innocent people. This includes allowing victims of crime to suffer constant harassment over long periods of time, depriving them of justice, and then waiting for them to do something and if they do something, even by verbal or written communication, then using that to build a criminal case against the victim. This type of entrapment is quite nasty as it targets victims of crime.
there is an old British and Irish saying dating back over 200 years which states “justice delayed is justice denied”. Victims of crime are often intimidated, bullied and harassed by the criminal and his associates during police investigations and court cases, and this causes a situation to fester and worsen for months and years, and this is often ignored by the police and legal authorities. Many police forces let a situation fester between a criminal and a victim of crime for several months or years. To worsen this, many police actively fob off victims of crime, and don’t bother communicating for several months or a few years with the victim.
governments are refusing to implement tougher laws and mandatory sentencing for all types of criminals, including white collar criminals
no laws against bullying, including cyber bullying.
This is causing great frustration for police forces and legal systems, and leading to continued high crime rates. These failures are faciliating crime, aiding and abetting crime, and undermining the basis of law, the Constitution, the Common law and the human rights of law abiding citizens.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
In Ireland, there have been commissions of inquiry and tribunals of inquiry, including the Moriarity Tribunal and the Mahon tribunal.
The Moriarity Tribunal made criminal findings of (i) paying / receiving corrupt payments and corruption of a public official (ii) lying under oath to the Tribunal
against one ex government minister and a business man and a file was sent to the Public Prosecutor in 2011, but (very) strangley there has been no court case and no prosecution, as of 2015.
The Mahon Tribunal found one ex prime minister and one ex minister guilty of (i) paying / receiving corrupt payments and corruption of a public official (ii) lying under oath to the Tribunal, and a file was sent to the Public Prosecutor, but (very) strangley there has been no court case and no prosecution, as of 2015.
The McCracken Tribunal found one ex prime minister guilty of of (i) paying / receiving corrupt payments and corruption of a public official (ii) lying under oath to the Tribunal, and a file was sent to the Public Prosecutor, but (very) strangley there was no court case and no prosecution. This ex primie minister died without ever having to face justice (though some misguided religious wrongly believed him to be a saint at this funeral)
The Mahon Tribunal made findings of corruption and lying to the Tribunal against a few politicians, civil servants and business men in relation to planning and rezoning in Dublin. None were prosecuted or brought to court.
Furthermore, the findings of the Mahon Tribunal and Moriarity Tribunal were mysteriously rendered worthless by some dubious revelations in 2013. There was no undercover investigation to establish the truth, uncover hidden files, accounts, facts and witnesses, and expose lies and deceptions by certain individuals appearing at these commissions of inquiry and tribunals of inquiry. Court cases and prosecutions were not taken. Restitution and compensation not paid to the victims of corruption, the victims include the Irish state and the taxpayers. The law through it's deficiencies and failings enabled and facilitated the bribery, the various types of corruption, the manipulations and deceptions, the cover-ups and the non existence of prosecutions and jailings.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
There is evidence of continuing corruption in politics in Ireland. In December 2015, RTE aired an investigative report, 'RTE Investigates - Standards in Public Office', about this on Irish television
Many police forces do not investigate or are prevented from investigating and prosecuting white collar criminals, including politicians, bankers, celebritiesm, business executives, and the very wealthy and powerful who commit crimes. The penalty points scandal in Ireland, the paedophile and murder scandals in Ireland, the UK, USA, Portugal, Belgium, Canada, etc., the corruption of politicians, the funding, arming and support of dictators and tyrants, unsolved murders and assasinations and the use of scapegoat suspects, illegal scientific experiments on innocent people without their knowledge, the banking and financial system crimes, etc. etc. provide abundant evidence of this.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Protecting Innocent People. In many countries there are Constitutional provisions and laws to protect innocent people from incriminating themselves.
Citizens should have the right to sue justice ministers, public prosecutors, judges and the state for imposing sentences which are too lenient for repeat offenders. Far too many criminals with 10 or more criminal convictions continue to commit crimes and terrorise law abiding citizens and communities. Judges are facilitating this through soft and lenient sentences in the courts. And in many cases, criminals never pay the fines imposed by the courts. All of this is disgraceful and has brought the law into disrepute. Citizens who are victims of crime by criminals who are repeat offenders should file civil cases and class action legal cases against the state, and get large compensation payments. This would help change things in the legal and criminal justice system.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Transparency International regularly publishes facts and figures about corruption, criminality and abuses of human rights by governments, civil servants and state authorities in countries around the world. Yet most of the guilty parties or criminals are never investigated, arrested and prosecuted. Corrupt laws and legal processes aid and abett crime in many countries. The web site for Transparency International is at
Police forces in many countries are not subject to (i) proper Parliamentary oversight and accountability (ii) investigation by truly independent bodies with powers to conduct undercover operations and obtain warrants to view emails, text messages, phone calls, files, etc. There are many reports from countries of a minority of police officers being involved in wrong doing, crimes, violence, corruption, and abuses of power both while working and off duty. Laws become meaningless and exist in disrepute when the agents of law enforcement cannot be trusted and properly audited to guarantee accountability. Several democracies are under threat from this.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
In many countries commissions of inquiry and tribunals of inquiry are set up to investigate wrong doing by big business people, politicians, top civil servants, lobbyists, top media people and professionals. There was no undercover investigation to establish the truth, uncover hidden files, accounts, facts and witnesses, and expose lies and deceptions by certain individuals appearing at these commissions of inquiry and tribunals of inquiry. These inquiries and tribunals rarely result in any prosecutions in court and jailings, even for serious wrong doing and breaches of the law. One could reasonably deduce from the facts and results that such inquiries and tribunals are smokescreens designed to help certain criminals avoid justice. Yet if a working class person carried out this wrong doing, they would be arrested, prosecuted and jailed by the courts.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Laws and Slavery in Ireland. The Untold History.
During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children aged 10 to 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Still 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers. Many people today avoid calling the Irish slaves called what they really were: Slaves. They use words such as "indentured servants" to describe what happened to the Irish. However, in most cases from the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were nothing more than human cattle.
The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves The Slaves That Time Forgot.
They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included men, women, and even the youngest of children. Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment.
They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives. We don’t really need to go through all of the gory details, do we? We know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade. But, are we talking about African slavery? King James II and Charles I also led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. Britain’s famed Oliver Cromwell furthered this practice of dehumanizing one’s next door neighbor. The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies.
By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves. Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white. From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English and another 300,000 were sold as slaves. Ireland’s population fell from about 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one single decade. Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. Britain’s solution was to auction them off as well. During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers. Many people today will avoid calling the Irish slaves what they truly were: Slaves. They’ll come up with terms like “Indentured Servants” to describe what occurred to the Irish.
However, in most cases from the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were nothing more than human cattle. As an example, the African slave trade was just beginning during this same period. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts. African slaves were very expensive during the late 1600s (50 Sterling). Irish slaves came cheap (no more than 5 Sterling). If a planter whipped or branded or beat an Irish slave to death, it was never a crime. A death was a monetary setback, but far cheaper than killing a more expensive African.
The English masters quickly began breeding the Irish women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the master’s free workforce. Even if an Irish woman somehow obtained her freedom, her kids would remain slaves of her master. Thus, Irish moms, even with this new found emancipation, would seldom abandon their kids and would remain in servitude. In time, the English thought of a better way to use these women (in many cases, girls as young as 12) to increase their market share: The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men to produce slaves with a distinct complexion.
These new “mulatto” slaves brought a higher price than Irish livestock and, likewise, enabled the settlers to save money rather than purchase new African slaves. This practice of interbreeding Irish females with African men went on for several decades and was so widespread that, in 1681, legislation was passed “forbidding the practice of mating Irish slave women to African slave men for the purpose of producing slaves for sale.” In short, it was stopped only because it interfered with the profits of a large slave transport company. England continued to ship tens of thousands of Irish slaves for more than a century. Records state that, after the 1798 Irish Rebellion, thousands of Irish slaves were sold to both America and Australia.
There were horrible abuses of both African and Irish captives. One British ship even dumped 1,302 slaves into the Atlantic Ocean so that the crew would have plenty of food to eat. There is little question that the Irish experienced the horrors of slavery as much (if not more in the 17th Century) as the Africans did. There is, also, very little question that those brown, tanned faces you witness in your travels to the West Indies are very likely a combination of African and Irish ancestry. In 1839, Britain finally decided on it’s own to end it’s participation in Satan’s highway to hell and stopped transporting slaves. While their decision did not stop pirates from doing what they desired, the new law slowly concluded THIS chapter of nightmarish Irish misery.
But, if anyone, black or white, believes that slavery was only an African experience, then they’ve got it completely wrong. Irish slavery is a subject worth remembering, not erasing from our memories. But, where has this ever been taught in our public (and PRIVATE) schools???? Where are stories of Irish Slavery in the history books? Why is it so seldom discussed? Do the memories of hundreds of thousands of Irish victims merit more than a mention from an unknown writer? Or is their story to be one that their English pirates intended: have the Irish story utterly and completely disappear as if it never happened. None of the Irish victims ever made it back to their homeland to describe their ordeal.
These are the lost slaves; the ones that time and biased history books-conveniently forgot.
By John Martin
Some politicians and some senior civil servants have over-priced state contracts in the past, and personally taken and banked the difference between the actual price paid to the contractor / seller (of product or service) and the artificial inflated price charged to the taxpayer or state. All state and government contracts need to be analysed in depth. Also "kickbacks" or bribes are regularly paid to politicians by businesses seeking government contracts. These 2 activities have been widespread in all European countries and most US states for many decades. Yet there are no police or intelligence investigations, arrests, prosecutions and jailings of these corrupt politicians and business people for this. The laws and legal authorities aid, abet and faciliate this corruption and law breaking.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The Federal Reserve Bank
On Christmas Eve 1913, a new law was passed in a mostly empty US Congress, setting up the Federal Reserve. This is a semi-private bank which can create money out of nothing and lend it to the US government and charge interest on it. This money creation process is largely unregulated and no laws govern, oversee, monitor and control it. Legal and Congressional requests for transparency and oversight have been blocked and opposed since 1913. The taxpayers are then forced to pay this debt to the Federal Reserve through high taxes. The Americans owe hundreds of billions of dollars to the Federal Reserve bank, and have already paid hundreds of billions of dollars to the Federal Reserve bank. It is a form of modern day slavery. In addition, the creation of new monies out of nothing devalues the currency. This in turn reduces the purchasing power of people and families. It is another form of theft. Private bankers who own the Federal Reserve bank have enriched themselves from this for over a century.
This creation of money of nothing and lending it out at interest is banking fraud and criminality. This Federal Reserve law was unconstitutional and usurped the Constitutional right of Congress to create money, and could have been challenged in the courts at the time.
The Congress shall have power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
US Constitution Article 1, Section 8.
The Federal Reserve Act (law) was illegal, unconstitutional, resulted in fraud and grand theft from the American people for over a century. Governments should have the power to print money and regulate the supply of money, as defined in the US Constitution and the Constitutions of some other countries. Governments should not have to beg for money from central banks and private banks which create money out of nothing and lend it out. As the Federal Reserve is private and owned by large private banks, it serves the interests of private bankers, enriching private bankers through large scale fraud and appropriation of taxpayer's funds. Woodrow Wilson, the US President in 1913, regretted supporting this law many years later, when he saw what it did to the American people and nation. Today, there is fear mongering about the US national debt and 'fiscal cliffs', and this fear has brought about higher taxes, charges and levies, and American taxpayers are being forced to pay back more and more to reduce this debt to the Federal Reserve and other private banks in the USA and other countries. This artificial fraudalent debt has created a massive tax burden for Americans and peoples. It has also led to large cutbacks in Federal and State programmes and Federal and State spending as more and motre funds are used to pay back this debt. This has created vast areas of poverty and social injustices throughout America, and worsened social exclusion, racism and crimes. Americans and other peoples need to realise that this is a debt which is created out of nothing and is fraudalent ; it is a massive fraud which has been committed against the American people.
There was one court case which found against the Federal Reserve in 1968 - First National Bank of Montgomery v. Jerome Daly, Dec. 9, 1968. The court declared the Federal Reserve Act. and National Banking act unConstitutional and null and void, and the laon contract null and void. This was a landmark legal case. The judge in the case was later found poisoned, possibly murdered. Links to some news reports about this.
If any working class American or middle class American tried to print money out of nothing and lend it out at interes to government and businesses, and manipulate the interest, they would be arrested, prosecuted and jailed. For an interesting account of this bank fraud read the following link by US economist and mathematician, Mike Montagne
America's Founding Fathers warned of the dangers of central banks.
“[The] Bank of the United States… is one of the most deadly hostility existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution… An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries. What an obstruction could not this bank of the United States, with all its branch banks, be in time of war! It might dictate to us the peace we should accept, or withdraw its aids. Ought we then to give further growth to an institution so powerful, so hostile?”
- Thomas Jefferson
And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.
– Thomas Jefferson
Bank-paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it belongs
– Thomas Jefferson
“We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again”
- Benjamin Franklin
Events have satisfied my mind, and I think the minds of the American people, that the mischiefs and dangers which flow from a national bank far over-balance all its advantages. The bold effort the present bank has made to control the Government, the distresses it has wantonly produced, the violence of which it has been the occasion in one of our cities famed for its observance of law and order, are but premonitions of the fate which awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.
- US President Andrew Jackson discussing the attempt to set up a central bank in the 1830's
The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.
- Abraham Lincoln
President Abraham Lincoln's government printed 400 million dollars known as 'Greenbacks' (the exact amount being $449,338,902) during the Civil War. This money was created as debt-free and interest-free money, to finance the Civil War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private. The government printed it, then paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service employees, and bought supplies for war.The government did not borrow this money from a Central bank or retail banks. This saved the American taxpayers over $600 million, when one includes interest over several decades.
President Lincoln's actions enraged the banking and financial interests in London, England. Here is excerpt from an editorial in the London Times in 1865
"If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated [sic] down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
London Times, 1865
President Lincoln was assasinated before he could extend the money printing during the civil war to the period of peace and reconstruction after the war. After his assasination, private banks and then central banks took over the money printing power from government.
UK House of Commons debate on Corruption of Money and Banking
An interesting lecture by a Christian leader about banking, money and politics
As found by President Lincoln and others, there are banking alternatives which can work and have worked throughout history. Allow a natural expansion of the money supply through debt free and interest free money created by national government as advised by Mike Montagne an American economist and mathematician While public savings banks would provide interest free loans for ‘productive investment’. The emphasis on expanding production and distribution of products and services would have an anti inflationary effect. Further anti-inflationary measures could be integrated over time to expand supply of products and services while controlling or moderating prices and costs.
Public savings banks, social credit schemes, credit unions, micro-credit
organisations are discussed below.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The Bank of England
The Bank of England is the central bank of Britain and was privately owned by powerful banking families from the 1694 until 1946. It created money out of nothing and charged interest on it and lent it to the British government and retail banks for over 250 years. British taxpayers were forced to pay taxes to pay back this government debt. Businesses and home mortgage payers had to pay back this debt.
"The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing."
William Paterson, founder of the Bank of England.
Over centuries, this enriched the banking families who created vast amounts of money out of nothing and lent it out. Some of this money was used to build empires and invade and exploit other peoples and extract their natural resources. Corrupt laws and legal systems provided for this fraud and criminality.
UK House of Commons debate on Corruption of Money and Banking
There are banking alternatives which can work and have worked throughout history. Allow a natural expansion of the money supply through debt free and interest free money created by national government as advised by Mike Montagne an American economist and mathematician While public savings banks would provide interest free loans for ‘productive investment’. The emphasis on expanding production and distribution of products and services would have an anti inflationary effect. Further anti-inflationary measures could be integrated over time to expand supply of products and services while controlling or moderating prices and costs.
Public savings banks, social credit schemes, credit unions, micro-credit
organisations are discussed below.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Private Banks
Private banks create money out of nothing and lend it to people and businesses at interest. Money is created out of nothing when loans are given out. The bank brings no financial consideration to the loan contract deal. Approximately 97% of all money is created by private banks.
UK House of Commons debate on Corruption of Money and Banking
This money creation process is largely unregulated. It is used to fuel loans which fuel speculation and rises in asset prices (stocks, shares, property, commodities, derivatives) and push them up to unrealistic price levels. This process of speculation and easy credit and price increases feeds upon itself over time. Individuals and businesses become trapped in a system of high asset prices caused by speculation and easy credit, and they accumulate massive debt as a result. Thus people become entrapped in massively over-priced mortgages and businesses entrappped in massive debt. Debt which is money created out of nothing with interest charged on it. This current system is a Ponzi scheme, which is based on fraud. The law enables and facilitates this fraud and enslavement of people and businesses through debt. If any working class person tried to do this, they would be arrested and jailed for fraud, theft and misrepresentation. For an interesting account of this fraud read the following link by US economist and mathematician, Mike Montagne
The decison of many governments not to print their own currency and not to allow the currency to naturally expand in line with business activity and economic needs and growth ( Mike Montagne ) means that most governments borrow money from private banks. Big private banks lend to many governments around the world. This money or loan is created out of nothing, and interest is charged on it. This loan to the government is added to the national debt of a country and the taxpayers are forced to pay back this debt in the form of high taxes and cutbacks in public services. Today trillions of dollars / euros, created out of nothing by private banks, over several decades, has been lent to governments around the world, and the taxpayers are being forced to pay this back. It is another form of modern day slavery.
Serious Breaches of Laws and Constitutions
Banks create money out of nothing when they lend money to a borrower. 97% of all money is created out of nothing when private banks lend money to borrowers. Banks do not own the money they lend to borrowers, this breaches contract law. Under contract law, one cannot lend something which one does not possess. In addition to this, creating money out of nothing and then lending it out to others is a fraud, providing further breaches of the law. Banks act as agents not owners to collect interest on illegal loans based on illegal contracts. These illegal loans with signatures are then illegally securitised which means they are sold on to third parties. This securitisation of an illegal loan is carried without the permission of the borrower, and this is also illegal. The third party has illegal possession. These illegal loans and securitised products are then insured. This protects the banks and third parties from debt default on their illegal loans. If a borrower defaults on the illegal loan, the bank can claim an insurance payout, and / or claim possession of the property or asset. This often includes evictions of thousands of families from their homes, which is destructive in economic and social terms. Private banks own very little real money, they own promissory notes, bills of exchange and negotiable instruments which are not money. These illegal activities by private banks has created a master class which illegally creates money and debt out of nothing and a slave class which is entrapped in illegal contracts and forced to pay these illegal loans. Financial booms and busts are based on this illegal money and debt creation which in combination with false investment ratings and false investment information is used to bid up the prices of assets, properties and derivatives well beyond their intrinsic value and long term value.
Courts and judges need to examine in more detail the validity of these illegal loan contracts, the fraudulent creating of money out of nothing and lending it out, the illegal charging of interest, and the illegal securitisation of these illegal loans.
Ellen Brown, a well known US lawyer wrote an informative article at
The chart below shows the statistics for the Canadian government and economy when they printed their own money up to 1974 and when they decided to stop printing and borrow from private banks, after 1974.
The chart above explains how modern day slavery operates. The imposition of massive debt levels on nations, peoples, individuals, families and businesses is a form of slavery, a crime. Corrupt laws and corrupt policies have aided and abetted this grand theft from taxpayers and from the most vulnerable groups in society.
This widespread fraud and criminality in the private banking system, discussed in more detail below, led to the following:
collapse of the financial system and economies worldwide in 2007 and 2008
the theft of billions of euros / dollars from taxpayers to bail out the banks and financial institutions.
the addition of the bank bail out costs to the national debt, and a large increase in national debt burdens
harsh government cutbacks in healthcare, hospitals, education, welfare, disabiity services, environment protection and infrastructure.
imposition of government austerity which caused and deepened recessions, which destroyed many businesses, destroyed invesmtent, increased unemployment, and deprived millions of innocent people of their human rights and human dignity.
There are banking alternatives which can work and have worked around the world. These include public savings banks schemes, social credit schemes, credit unions, micro-credit
Public Savings Banks are
1. Operated on commercial principles with the aim of maximising sustainable lending and not on maximising profits.
2. Operated on the Principle of "Local deposits into local loans" keeping capital in their own area.
3. Surpluses remain with the Bank & within the region: Profits are used to increase equity and for non-profit purposes (the public benefit principle).
4. Banned from engaging in financial speculation.
5. Only allowed to lend only to local people and businesses in its designated catchment area.
6. Controlled by stakeholders from the local community.
7. Independent of political influence and control.
8. The Joint Liability Scheme provides protection for all Savings Bank Branches.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
There is also the "crowding out" principle where bank loans to financial institutions and property developers to speculate in financial assets and derivatives and property has crowded out loans to small and medium sized businesses and agri-business which produce products and services. In many developed countries, bank loans to financial institutions and property developers for speculation increased from 100% to 300%, while loans for small and medium sized businesses and agri-business increased less than 50%. This shows a vast misallocation of resources, where loans for productive investment are "crowded out" by loans for speculation. Many small and medium sized businesses are starved of financial capital in several developed countries. It is the small and medum sized businesses which create most of the jobs, keep money in local communities and regions, pay taxes and stimulate national economic growth. In contrast many of the large financial institutions and speculators suck money out of an economy, use offshore tax havens to channel money out of a country, avoid and evade taxes, use offshore banks to keep money out of the local economy, create very little employment, and increase the risk of financial meltdown and recession through speculation. Corrupt laws facilitate this vast misallocation of resources.
The following video illustrates this problem:
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The derivatives market is worth over $710 trillion (Bank for International Settlements) ; this is over 10 times the global economy. Derivatives are bets on money, that is asset price movements, currency movements, credit default movements, interest rate movements and market indices, all based on money created out of nothing by retail banks and central banks. This money creation and betting process is largely unregulated and no laws govern and control it. It is used to shift money or digital credits between traders and speculators worldwide. The derivatives produce no goods and services for consumers and the nation, but they increase the risk of financial collapse due to the constant speculation and poor risk management and oversight involving large sums of money. When derivatives do collapse, it is the taxpayer and the unemployed, disabled and poor who are forced to pay for the bail out. This is organised theft and robbery, on a grand scale. Corrupt laws facilitate this.
The current value of the derivatives market at $710 trillion presents a very serious risk to the global economy. Derivatives have failed before in the past and caused massive financial losses:
American International Group (AIG) lost more than US$18 billion through a subsidiary over the preceding three quarters on credit default swaps (CDSs).
The United States Federal Reserve Bank announced the creation of a secured credit facility of up to US$85 billion, to prevent the company's collapse by enabling AIG to meet its obligations to deliver additional collateral to its credit default swap trading partners.
- The loss of US$7.2 Billion by Société Générale in January 2008 through mis-use of futures contracts.
The loss of US$6.4 billion in the failed fund Amaranth Advisors, which was long natural gas in September 2006 when the price plummeted.
The loss of US$4.6 billion in the failed fund Long-Term Capital Management in 1998.
The loss of US$1.3 billion equivalent in oil derivatives in 1993 and 1994 by Metallgesellschaft AG.
The loss of US$1.2 billion equivalent in equity derivatives in 1995 by Barings Bank.
UBS AG, Switzerland's biggest bank, suffered a $2 billion loss through unauthorized trading discovered in September 2011
There are banking alternatives which can work and have worked around the world. These include public savings banks, social credit schemes, credit unions, micro-credit
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The financial crash 2008 – 2014 was brought about by significant changes to laws and new laws. In the USA, the repeal of the Glass Steagal act by President Clinton, and the introduction of the corrupt Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act led to the deregulation of banks, insurance companies, securities companies and financial institutions. This removed important safeguards and oversight from these financial businesses. This was accompanied by the deregulation of commodities, derivatives, and futures by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission on the advice of Lawrence Summers, Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan. Brooksley Born, chairwoman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was attacked by Lawrence Summers when she made proposals to regulate deriviatives, commodities and futures. She was proven right several years later. The decision to deregulate proved to be a disastrous mistake for the USA. In addition to this, money markets and mutual funds capable of handling many types of risky financial instruments remained unregulated, despite handling vast sums of money daily. Deregulation assisted
mass speculation and fraud in financial instruments and credit through:
use of off-balance sheet frauds and fraudalent investment vehicles, theft of funds from savings or investment accounts to speculate on markets, bankrupt banks loaning money to borrowers, banks involved in illegal activity loaning mortgages and loans to borrowers. Banks involved in share rigging through giving loans to existing investors to support its own shares.
false and fraudalent information being provided about investment products by investment banks and financial businesses, marketing of these fraudalent products in the financial press, packaging and securitising 'ninja' type loans with other types of loans to create bad quality investment products (CDO's), and banks and brokers secretly betting against these products through credit default options, conflicts of interest in financial contracts, fraudalent misrepresentation of facts in investment contracts by banks, brokers and investment houses, price rigging of financial products, lying to regulators and regulatory bodies, creating false reductions in supply for products and services in order to artificially inflate prices.
the LIBOR scandal and the illegal manipulation of interest rates by banks, circumventing of capital controls, liquidity controls, fractional reserve guidelines, breaches of conflicts of interest rules, breaches of insider trading rules, the currency rigging scandals.
laundering of money for criminals and criminal organisations
false financial ratings being given to investment products, services and firms, breach of legal audit requirements, false accounting by banks, conflicts of interest and deliberate failures by oversight bodies, and fraudalent acceptance of state money by regulators and oversight bodies which refused to carry out their duties. Lobbying, political corruption and corrupt laws and amendments to laws.
The Great American Bubble Machine is an article in Rolling Stone magazine, it details many of these scams and frauds which cost taxpayers, governments, economies, businesses, investors and ordinary workers trillions of dollars in lost income over several decades.
Goldman Sachs to pay $5 billion fine gives one an idea of the scale of frauds and criminality by large banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions which bankrupted countries.
These frauds mentioned in the points above were widespread and worsened by the fact that retail banks, money markets and central banks created money out of nothing and fuelled the fraud and accompanying rise in asset prices and property prices. This is what deregulation and unregulated globalisation looks like. This is what an unregulated and criminalised free market looks like. A massive financial bubble resulted, built mostly on fraud, criminality and price speculation. When it crashed, and countries were bankrupted, nobody was held legally accountable. No bankers, regulators, executives, politicians, political advisors or economists were prosecuted and jailed. In some rare cases, small fines were paid by some banks, but they were dwarfed by the massive profits made. The law enabled, facilitated and encouraged all of this criminal activity during the boom and the crash. This fraud and criminality led to the following:
collapse of the financial system and economies worldwide in 2007 and 2008
the theft of billions of euros / dollars from taxpayers to bail out the banks and financial institutions.
the addition of the bank bail out costs to the national debt, and a large increase in national debt burdens
harsh government cutbacks in healthcare, hospitals, education, welfare, disabiity services, environment protection and infrastructure.
imposition of government austerity which caused and deepened recessions, which destroyed many businesses, destroyed investment, increased unemployment, and deprived millions of innocent people of their human rights and human dignity.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
After the financial crash of 2008 shareholders in banks made losses on their investment. Taxpayers in several countries were forced by governments to bail out these banks and their unsecured and secured bank bondholders. Attempts to impose minor losses on bondholders were resisted by governments and by central banks, including the ECB in Europe. In some cases governments were threatened and intimidated by some ECB officials, and forced to bail out all banks and all bondholders. ECB officials did not have to declare their conflicts of interest. The bail outs of the banks imposed large national debt burdens on countries, which made it impossible for them to borrow on international markets, thus forcing some governments to seek assistance from the IMF and European Union authorities.
Special debt deals were drawn up between governments and the IMF and international authorities. These debt deals imposed even larger debt burdens on nations and taxpayers and enforced and oversaw tax increases, new taxes, cutbacks in health spending and healthcare, cuts in vital government services, etc. and this led to austerity in the middle of an economic recession, and to reduced consumer spending and demand, and to increased business closures and unemployment as governments imposed more austerity to bail out the banks and bondholders. A vicious cycle of massive debt, high tax, government cutbacks, austerity, unemployment, business closures fed upon itself, perpetutating itself for many years. Interestingly, the wealthy bankers, banks and bondholders and their lobbyists, and big business people all supported the enforcement of austerity on the taxpayers and people during this time. These special vested interests were insulated from the austerity measures. The question of ‘Why should taxpayers and citizens be robbed to bail out the banks and the bondholders ?’ was never asked or acted upon. This robbery, extortion, and theft from the people was not resisted. The ‘comfortable classes’ saw this theft as normal and humbly submitted, like sheep. Yet if working class people tried to rob the people to bail out their own financial ventures, they would be arrested, prosecuted and jailed.
Reasons for the Bail out of banks and imposition of a massive national debt on Ireland and other countries
Who got the bailout money ?
What is the purpose of imposing massive debt burdens on countries ? what are the results, what are the effects, what is the end game ?
most of the natural resources, and a large number of properties and assets and anything else of value in the country could be sold off or privitized to pay the debt, and acquired cheaply by vulture capitalists, private equity funds, large hedge funds, and large banks. These were sold on again and again for massive profits. When the government under Fianna Fail announced the bail out of the banks, bond holders, hedge funds and speculators in 2008, there were great celebrations by traders in Wall street and the city of London, while a massive national debt was imposed upon the Irish people and nation.
acquire the private property, income, and assets
of citizens through higher taxes, levies, and other government charges and new privitization charges for (former public) goods and services - to pay the national debt. Theft of private property is a breach of the Irish Constitution.
an opportunity to cripple businesses, banks, credit unions and organisations with massive debt and reduced consumer spending (from austerity and too much debt) and then take over these businesses, banks, credit unions, and organisations, and bring more consolidation and concentration of market power within industries. This leads to more monopolies, oligopolies, cartels, restrictive practises, and concentration of power.
use of massive debt as a weapon to weaken countries, and make them easier to control and manipulate in geo-political terms. A fact acknowledged by the economist John Perkins and some other leading economists.
This model of debt creation and imposition on peoples has been used many times in the 20th century and 21st century. The renowned economist John Perkins helped western governments, the IMF and World Bank implement structural adjustment policies, involving large loans for speculation, public projects and waste, followed by bailouts and the imposition of massive national debt in addition to existing high business and personal debt, and harsh government cutbacks, austerity, collapses in consumer spending, high unemployment and mass repossessions of homes and small businesses and assets, and destructive social policies in many developing countries and some developed countries. His books ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’ and ‘The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman’ and 'Hoodwinked' explain why these are used and their hidden economic objectives and political objectives. His videos also provide some insights into this
The total costs of the bailouts - 70 billion euros in Greece, 100 billion euros in Ireland (Patrick Honohan, Irish Central Bank), 50 billion euros in Spain. One Euro country after another is forced to support its banks with huge sums of money in order to equalize the losses incurred by banks, property developers, hedge funds and speculators worldwide from bad loans. But where do the billions go anyway? Who are the beneficiaries? With this simple question the award-winning business journalist and nonfiction author Harald Schumann travels across Europe and gets surprising answers.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Evictions from Family Homes The same economic processes which caused the land crisis and famine in Ireland in the 19th century exist today in the 21st century. The law enables speculators to bid up the prices of various types of properties, assets and derivatives to unrealistic levels and unsustainable levels, and to engage in many types of fraud and criminality to achieve this. The law also allows retail banks and central banks to create money out of nothing and use it to create debt to keep driving up the prices of properties, assets and derivatives to unrealistic levels, and create massive bubbles. Having drawn in millions of customers into over-priced mortgages based on speculation, widespread frauds, and other criminal activities mentioned above, they trap people, businesses and families in massive personal debt, family debt and business debt. When the crash comes as it did in 2008, millions of people lost their jobs or their businesses. Then to worsen matters, the brutal austerity programmes by governments to bail out banks and financial institutions in the middle of a recession forced up unemployment levels and business failures. Families forced into unemployment or poverty could not pay for their homes, and the banks repossessed them. Businesses forced into bankruptcy by the crash and government austerity had their assets stripped by banks. The banks, hedge funds, bond holders, vulture capitalists and speculators moved in to asset strip home owners, families and buisnesses ; buying up repossessed homes and business assets at very low prices (50% or more below the original purchasing price) and hold them for a few years to sell at a profit.
Thus the price of homes, assets and derivatives were deliberately manipulated by fraud and criminal means to create unrealistic and unsustainable prices, which had the final effect of stripping homes from families and assets from viable businesses. Vast numbers of people and businesses were defrauded, robbed and destroyed by this criminality.
Courts and judges need to examine in more detail the validity of these illegal loan contracts (banks lend something they do not have), the fraudulent creating of money out of nothing and lending it out, the illegal charging of interest, and the illegal securitisation of these illegal loans, and the fraudalent manipulation of house prices and asset prices.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Over the period 2007 - 2014, the total cost of the bail out of banks and financial institutions was $13 trillion worldwide (Andrew Haldane, Bank of England estimate). The central banks of many western governments printed several trillion dollars, and governments forced taxpayers to pay out trillions of dollars and added trillions of dollars to the national debt to be paid by taxpayers and their children and grandchildren - to fund the bail out of banks and financial institutions. Yet these countries remained trapped by austerity and mired in deep economic recessions during this time. Banks and fianncial institutions held onto these monies and provided little or no lending to the home and business sectors, due to the economic recession instigated by government austerity policies. These failed economic policies have proven to be ineffective and destructive to economies.
The money created out of nothing by central banks would have achieved better economic results if it was (i) converted into tax rebates to taxpayers (ii) debt reduction payments to those with home mortgages (iii) research and development by businesses (iv) business employment expansion (v) employee share ownership and community share ownership in large and medium sized businesses (vi) payments to third level students to develop key skills in short supply. These would stimulate both demand and supply in economies. But central banks and governments refused to do this. Corrupt laws and idiotic government economic policies have supported the current economic stagnation.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
There is another criminal aspect to banking and politics. The deregulation and globalisation started by Thatcher and Reagan in the 1980's spread throughout the world during the 1990's. It also helped major criminals and big criminal organisations use banks in tax havens in Europe, the Carribean and Asia to launder billions of dollars and re-invest this in other banks, properties, businesses and assets in developed countries. It is estimated that every year aproximately $1 trillion of "dirty money" is shifted through tax havens by criminals and corrupt political leaders. The estimated wealth of criminals and corrupt political leaders is estimated to be worth several trillion dollars. This distorts economies, undermines economic growth, and corrupts and undermines democracies and societies. The laws in Europe and North America support and assist this criminality. Read the following research material for more information: Tax Havens: How Globalization Really Works (Cornell Studies in Money) by John Christensen The Tax Justice Network
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
In Ireland and many other countries no accountants and lawyers were prosecuted and jailed for false financial reporting and audits, false accounting, accounting frauds, and other financial crimes. Their crimes were ignored by police, prosecutors and politicians and in some cases politicians intervened to prevent prosecutions. Most bankers involved in frauds and financial crimes were not prosecuted and jailed. These criminals were protected by a corrupt legal system and political system.
There was no undercover investigation to establish the truth, uncover hidden files, accounts, facts and witnesses, and expose lies and deceptions by certain individuals. Several court cases were not taken. Restitution and compensation not paid to the victims of corruption, the victims include the government and taxpayers..
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Laws and the Irish Famine
It was laws which caused 1 million Irish people died of starvation and related diseases during the Irish Famine of the 1840's while thousands of tonnes of meat, poultry, lamb, rabbits, fish, grain, fruits and vegetables were exported every year. This system of Famine was enforced by laws, lawyers, judges, legal systems and by police and soldiers, and supported by catholic, protestant and christian leaders at the time, and by politicians who were members of these religions. The catholic bishop Mchale in the west of Ireland praised the starving and sick tenant farmers for 'bravely paying their rents' while they starved to death. Over 1 million Irish people died from this famine and injustices while religious hypocrites and pharisees and 'holy joes' prayed, bowed, knelt and obeyed religious leaders and the political British warlords of the time, and "looked after their own little corner". Religions have always supported the status quo throughout history. Catholics, protestants, christians and other religions have always proved to be spineless, fearful, cowards afraid to challenge laws and corrupt authorities and their injustices.
The Consumer Price Index is used to measure inflation, but in many countries it does not include housing costs and energy costs and other categories of costs. This has created false and misleading inflation figures. This led to central banks and governments using false data and targets for inflation. This contributed to excessive money printing and credit creation by banks in the middle of bubbles and the fuelling and intensification of bubbles in housing, stocks and assets, which eventually crashed with catastrophic consequences for countries. Laws and government policies have provided for false measurement of inflation, which benefit speculators and banks. The tax payers, the unemployed, the disabled, the elderly, the poor and the mortgage payers are forced to pay for the bail outs once the system crashes.
AL Yamamah Arms deal
The Al Yamamah arms deal between British Aeropsace / BAE, the British government and Saudi government involving over £80 billion in arms began in 1985 and continued for over 25 years. During that
time period hundreds of millions of pounds were paid in illegal bribes. This created a major scandal which was exposed in the British press and media. In 2007 the BBC's investigative program 'Panorma' stated that BAE illegally paid hundreds of millions of pounds in bribes to Saudi officials. The UK national audit office was askd to investigate and it allegedly found no evidence of wrong doing or corruption. it never published its report and its listing of investigators. It was later found that the head of the The UK national audit office had a conflict of interest and that there was a cover up.
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) of the British Police became involved in investigating this in 2003. The SFO investigation found evidence of bribery, corruption and criminality, and attempted to bring cases to court.
In 2006, the Saudi government made serious threats against the UK government and the SFO, and demanded the closure of the SFO investigation in Britain. As result of this, the UK government forced the SFO to close it's investigation and it suppressed the criminal findings against business and political people. Tony Blair the prime minister personally intervened to stop the SFO investigation and court cases, including over-ruling his attorney general and the SFO chief. This led to another cover up and non prosecution of criminals.
In 2008, a judicical review in the High Court condemend the government cover up, and supported an SFO investigation and prosecutions. An appeal to the House of Lords in 2008 overturned re-opening the SFO investigation. great efforts were made by the British Establsihment to cover this up. When the prime minister Tony Blair quit politics in 2010, he got very lucrative contracts and employment from Saudi government and business interests.
Many countries are listed as companies in the SEC and US stock market. Who owns these companies ? who are the shareholders ? who are the creditors and debtors of these companies ? are governments the servants of these private companies ? what is the purpose of calling countries "companies" ? Is it ethical, legal, Constitutional to call a country a private company and use it as a private company ? is your country a privately owned company ?
The findings of the Church Committee of the US Congress in 1978 pointed out the dangers of unaccountable police organisations and intelligence agencies. The illegal activities and serious crimes of the COINTELPRO programme and MK Ultra programme show that democracy, freedom, democratic institutions, legal rights, Constitutional rights and human rights can come under attack by unaccountable police forces and government agencies.
It is now known that intelligence agencies illegally spy on their own governments and politicians. This information may be used to blackmail government and politicians, and thus undermine the political process and democracy. It may also be used against businesses for financial or other gains. Operation Fast and Furious was a major scandal in the USA and led to corruption and the deaths of many innocent people.
Heads of governments and heads of state swear to protect their countries against all enemies both external and internal ; the internal enemies are often the most dangerous. There needs to be new legal and Constitutional safeguards to protect the basic democratic and human rights of all the people. Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Laws themselves are not audited and carefully analysed to identify bribery of politicians in the creation of laws. Also conflicts of interest, fraud and misrepresentation, undue influence by unelected and unaccountable organisations, deceit, cover ups or facilitation of such, treachery, and undermining of the Constitution in the creation of laws. These are matters of great importance to peoples and nations. If there are dubious, corrupt and suspect laws, should the people be required to obey them ? or the police required to enforce them ?.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Data protections and data privacy laws, and Constitutional rights to privacy are regularly broken by state and government employees, insurance firms and private investigators. The selling of state information to private investigators, the illegal selling of private and confidential information on the free market, the revelations of Edward Snowden and the many other examples of breaches of data protection and privacy law in many countries show that the laws are not being enforced. No individuals are being held accountable, no civil servants, police personnel, politicians have been arrested, prosecuted and jailed. Yet if any working class person breaks a data protection law or privacy law, they would be arrested and prosecuted. This proves the laws are completely hypocritical and contradictory and act to perpetuate criminal behaviour by unaccountable state and government employees, insurance firms and private investigators.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Legal processes, including prosecution processes, evidence collection, entrapment methods, evidence preservation, evidence delivery, court processes, oversight bodies, investigative bodies, police processes are not audited to identify defects, deficiencies, incompetence and perversions of justice.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Corruption of judges and public prosecutors and political interference in police investigations and court decisions are rarely investigated. This allowed these crimes to exist in developed countries and developing countries. This undermines law, legal processes and Constitutional provisions.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
In many countries, including democracies, there is no transarency and accountability. There is no register of lobbyists and how much they contribute to politicians and political parties and what they got in return. This lack of independent oversight undermines democracy and freedom, and the very basis of law.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
In the USA, the law has enabled the richest 1% of the population to accumulate 40% of the wealth, and richest 2% of the population has accumulated over 50% of the wealth, through globalisation, de-industrialisation, moving American businesses abroad, international outsourcing, tax evasion, offshore accounting, etc.. While the bottom 80% has 7% of the wealth. The following video depicts a study conducted by a Harvard University Professor and economist :
Studies by Dr. Pavlina Tcherneva
of Bard College in the USA confirm this. Her research and charts below show that from the early 1980's to the present day, the top 10% and the top 1% of income earners have gained most of the income from economic recoveries and expansions, while the bottom 90% and 99% have suffered huge losses in income.
The book Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Dr. Thomas Piketty, a top French economist also confirms this and explores the issue of very high wealth inequallities which perpetuate themselves over time, leading to negative economic and social effects.
Depriving large sections of a society of a decent living deprives them of important and fundamental civil rights, deprives them of legal represenatation, deprives them of political representation and deprives them of democracy. This is anti-Constitutional, anti-Common law and anti-Human rights.
This is being riven by 1. technological unemployment, where technology is replacing people in production jobs and service jobs, creating higher levels of unemployment and under-employment 2. many American manufacturing companies and service companies outsourced and relocated to China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mexico, South America, Taiwan, Vietnam, Phillipinnes and Burma in order to access cheaper labour. This destroyed millions of manufacturing jobs and related services jobs in the USA from the early 1990's to the present day. This created vast areas of unemployment in American cities and towns which exist to this day. This also led to huge losses in tax revenues for the states and Federal government, at a time when the American national debt and deficit was increasing. But it increased the stock prices and profits of the companies which relocated and the investment banks and consultancies involved, and it increased the bonuses and stock of top executives, investment bankers, stock brokers and speculators, some making millions of dollars per year. Many re-directed these through tax havens to escape paying taxes in the USA. Trillions of US dollars owned by American companies and big banks lie in offshore tax havens around the world.
Debt Ceilings and 'Fiscal Cliffs'
These changes from 1992 onwards created gradually increasing levels of unemployment, underemployment, lower wage jobs with no benefits and security, poverty, and illnesses associated with poverty, all of which reduced Federal and State taxes. Tax revenues declined in several states and nationally for many years, forcing state and Federal government to borrow more and go deeper into debt. There was a large increase in state debt and city and municipal debt in the USA from the late 1990's to the present day. The US government itself also accumulated a large debt burden during this time. Lenders were both foreign and domestic, with China, Japan, and oil-rich states providing most of the money. The large scale tax evasions schemes previously mentioned above also reduced national and state revenues, and increased the national debt and state debts. The large debt owed to the Federal Reserve added further to this debt. These factors combined and led to the 'fiscal cliffs' and debt ceilings and deadlock in Washington DC during and after 2012. Conservatives wish to starve and kill off their fellow Americans in order to reduce this debt. This pollicy is inhumane, anti-Christian and ignorant, and against the principles of the American Republic and Constitution.
Detroit is the best example of a city destroyed by these economic policies and points where America is heading. Irresponsible governments at local, state and Federal levels have failed to admit where the real problems and issues lie and have sought all forms of scapegoats, diversions and distractions to point away from the truth. See the Documentary on Detroit's bankruptcy
Universal Healthcare in USA
President Obama introduced a new type of universal healthcare in 2011 but he neglected to figure out how it would be paid for. The factors mentioned above ranging from massive debt levels, higher levels of unemployment and underemployment and poverty, and widespread over charging and fraud in the health sector combined to undermine his plan. He needs to rebuild the foundation of the USA and do the following:
relocate these manufacturing companies and service companies back to the USA so as to expand the tax base and the number of people working and contributing to private health insurance plans pension plans, social security and taxes
to close off all poverty traps and end discrimination on racial, religious, disability and social class grounds in employment.
close off all tax evasion loopholes in American law, and claim back taxes which were evaded for many years by foundations, corporations, banks and the very wealthy.
all health service bodies and providers should be independently audited to identify conflicts of interest, corruption, deceit, theft, over charging for expenses, false receipting, cover-ups, negligence and incompetence. Whistleblowers and members of the public should be included in these auditing and feedback processes.
giving more working class and middle class Americans long-term share ownership in the large corporations and successful new techology companies, particularly companies which use robotics an automation technologies, as a means of distributing wealth in the USA more fairly. This along with targeted financial and tax incentives could be used to encourage their participation in education, skills development, responsibility, community development and employment.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Laws were passed in the USA to enable certain big Internet companies and other companies to evade taxes for many years. They could funnel their taxable revenues and profits through tax havens such as the Bahamas, Liechtenstein, Dublin (Ireland), Andorra, Monte Carlo, and the Caymans. This was then shifted between tax havens to enable these companies to pay 2% tax or less in some cases. This deprived the US tax authorities of hundreds of billions of dollars over 10 years according to a US Congressional investigation in 2013. This was at a time of “fiscal cliffs” and historically high Federal and state debts in America, including state and city bankruptcies across America. This fraud was legal, the laws provided for it and they still do. Similar laws in Britain, Ireland, Netherlands and other EU countries facilitate tax evasion by big companies.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
World War I and other similar wars
We have governments glorifying the world wars and the ideological wars of the past. These wars were acts of mass murder, fought in the name of Imperialism and the grabbing of more resources from other countries, and the exploitation of their peoples for profit and gain. The battle fields are mass murder scenes, where the most horrrible crimes against humanity were committed. Banks, speculators and large industrial companies, with strong political connections, made hundreds of millions of pounds / dollars in profit from this organised murder, called war. Millions of working class men were murdered to fuel this greed. It was murder and criminality on a vast scale.
The real reasons for World War I stem from colonialism and the competition it caused between nations in the lead up to the war. Colonialism enabled some nations to exploit the natural resources and peoples of other nations, and enrich themselves or more specifically enrich their upper classes. And this made other nations jealous because they also wanted to exploit other nations. This created tensions, jealousies and rivalries between natiions and between empires. Colonialism was built by murder, theft, destruction of property, rape, paedaphilia, lies, corruption and economic enslavement. These colonial empires of the 19th century and early 20th century were brutal and vicious to the native peoples. Most of the native peoples lived in dire povery and unsanitary conditions, endured miserable short lives marred by ill health, and treated like dirt or second class citizens. Corrupt laws, corrupt legal systems and corrupt courts faciliated and supported this system of evil. Indeed, the modern basis for corrupt laws and legal systems were first formulated within these empires. This evil fomented hateful divisions, hatreds, intolerance, racism, rebellion, crime, conflict between people, and incubated seething hatreds between peoples which led to world war.
Most of these criminal empire builders and supporters of criminal empires were God fearing 'Christians', they prayed to God, they attended church, they raised 'Christian' families and they appeared to be respectable 'Christians'. The leaders of the big Christian religions twisted and manipulated the Christian teachings to support these empires and their greed, corruption and evil. How many empire builders, kings, queens, corrupt political leaders, war mongers, tyrants, generals, bankers, etc. were excommunicate by the Christian religions ? the answer is none. This obsession with material gain and self interest by individuals and nations set everybody against everybody in a mad and insane struggle for profit and social status. In international trade, those nations with empires were able to block other nations from accessing the markets of the nations they controlled in their empire. This intensified the competition for the remaining markets. The fact that military power had been used and could be used in the future to establish new empires or expand existing empires and build more lucrative trade from exploitation of resources and peoples, meant military power began to play a highly important role in the first decade of the 20th century. This led to militarism and childish 'jingoism', and fuelled an arms race between nations, which increased the already high levels of distrust and misunderstandings between them. And of course, there was discontent among the oppressed peoples who suffered under colonial rule. This discontent was cynically used and manipulated by other empires to undermine the stability of rival empires. This involved instigating rebellions and revolts, assassinations, funding and arming all types of rebels, signing treaties with smaller nations which were in dispute or conflict with another empire, funding political conspiracies, feeding propaganda to newspapers, etc. Today, historians, revisionists journalists and social commentators neglect to mention these relevant and important facts about empires.
The driving forces of World War 1
economic colonialism between the major powers, a vicious competition for resources around the world in the name of an unlimited and unregulated free market
exploitation of native peoples and theft of their natural resources, oppression of the native people through corrupt laws and brute force, and corruption of their leaders or elites
planting colonists and their families in occupied countries to support continued occupation and oppression of native peoples
geo-political games to surround or isolate other major powers who are economic competititors. The objective being to gain military supremacy and use this to expand the economic exploitation of peoples and nations worldwide.
covert support of dictatorships involved in human rights abuses, to achieve the geo-political objectives stated above.
misuse of old outdated borders established by previous colonial powers several decades ago.
use of political corruption to undermine other companies and countries in contracts and negotiations
covert manipulation of religious, racial and ethnic divisions and tensions by the big powers for geo-political objectives
covertly arming and funding extremist groups and rebels so as to destabilise other powers and gain geo-political advantage.
the financial profiteering from war by politically influential business people and bankers involved in the military-industrial complexes and big central and commercial banks.
The most distrubing fact is that these empires and world wars and other wars of conquest were fully supported by the Christian religions and other religions. Empires and their criminals tried to gain some legitmacy and respectability through the sermons, public statements and 'teachings' of so called 'Christian' religions, which were perverted to serve the evil.
No politicians, civil servants, kings, princes, lobbyists, military personnel, intelligence personnel, bank executives and business men were fully investigated, prosecuted and jailed for this mass murder. The following famous book by an American General explains this issue in some more detail: War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier by General Smedley Butler (winner of US Congressional Medal of Honor on 2 occassions)
We have 'wars against terrorism'. But we have no wars against political corruption and legal corruption and no wars against lies and deception, no wars against social and economic injustices, and no wars against igorance and poor quality education. Yet corruption, lies, deception, injustices and ignorance are the causes of terrorism and most wars and conflicts in the world.
The big economic / military powers have repeated the same mistakes of their forefathers prior to World War 1. In today's world one sees the same dynamics as those prior to and during World War 1:
economic colonialism between the major powers, a vicious competition for resources around the world in the name of an unlimited and unregulated free market. Though this 'free market' is not free and is manipulated to serve the interests of the very wealthy and powerful.
exploitation of native peoples and theft of their natural resources, oppression of the native people through corrupt laws and brute force, and corruption of their leaders or elites
it is imperialism and colonialism not nationalism which has caused so many wars in the past. From the time of kings and emperors to the times of colonial governors and their gombeen supporters to the times of dictators and fascists to the times of corporate controlled governments, it is imperialism which is the desire to take over control and exploit other countries and peoples which has fuelled wars and conflicts. It was and still is the imperialist presumption of superiority and the imperialist suppression of national identity, national culture and national sovereignty and national expression which created reactionary often violent nationalist movements for freedom ; that is freedom from imperialism. Imperialism centralises power and takes power away from nation states. The imperialist desire to dominate, control, manipulate, denigrate and belittle, and exploit others, whether it is other individuals or nations or peoples is the cause of much evil, hatreds, and wars in the world. Imperialism is the opposite of nationalism. Nationalism when understood as respect and love for one's own people is a positive thing, and encourages self respect, dignity, respect for others, tolerance and generosity. These are virtues within nationalism which can be developed further to encompass a respect for other peoples and other cultures, and an environment of tolerance, mutual support, cooperation and peace between nations. This positive nationalism can be used to build peace worldwide, a peace based on respect for human rights and human dignity, freedom, equality, wider distributions of wealth, fairness and social justice, and an international trading system which integrates these values fully, which is for the benefit of all nations and all peoples, not a priviliged few rich individuals and families.
covert support of religious extremists, nationalist extremists, senior military officers, right wing or left wing dictators to undermine and overthrow governments for geo-political objectives and profit objectives. These engage in widespread human rights abuses. This has domino effects in the form of reactionary movements against the new regime / dictatorship and their imperialist backers, in some cases this is called 'terrorism'. Though the terrorism of governments against their own people is ignored in the international press and media and academia.
these covert actions may also allow operations to take place against one's own people to induce fear and panic, and an increased need for miltary spending and security spending which benefit some politically connected businesses.
misuse of old outdated and ineffective borders established by previous colonial powers many decades ago.
use of political corruption to undermine other companies and countries in contracts and negotiations
covert manipulation of religious, racial and ethnic divisions and tensions by the big powers for geo-political objectives and profit objectives
Using the press and media to promote fear and panic in a population so as to increase spending on arms and security, and fuel arms races.
the financial profiteering from war by politically influential business people and bankers involved in the military-industrial complexes and big central and commercial banks.
Instead of building peace, cooperation, understanding, tolerance and harmony between nations, and respecting the sovereignty and independence of nations and peoples, they worked on dividing people against each other, and building envy, greed, social injustices, social divisions, prejudices and hatreds, military occupations, group conflicts, nation conflicts and wars between nations. And it is the working classes of the developed countries and developing countries who will be forced to fight in these wars, where nuclear, biological and chemical weapons may be used. And the corrupt laws support this criminality and murder.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Using fraud and lies and planting false stories in the press and media to support the illegal invasion of countries is a crime. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 being one such example. Governments, parliaments, oversight bodies, the press and media and prosecutors and courts need to become more vigilant in investigating, auditing and exposing these type of lies and prosecuting those who lie, deceive and perjure themselves to build false cases for illegal and unnecessary invasions of other countries.
In 2014 and 2015, millions of refugees were fleeing war, persecution and injustices, often in overcrowded rafts and boats, with many risking death, drowning, starvation and disease to escape. Every day, we are bombarded with images and news of growing threats of terrorism and regional war, and global war, and the continuous news of many innocent and vulnerable people being disrespected, abused, assaulted, persecuted, killed, etc. in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tunisia, Gaza, Israel, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, some European countries, the USA, etc. etc. Behind the scenes, as revealed by whistleblowers, wiki-leaks, ex politicians and serving politicians, ex military officers, lobbyists, top journalists, academics, including Lt. General Michael Flynn the head of the DIA (US military intelligence), that it was western leaders and their advisors and lobbyists (who attend Christian and Jewish churches) from the USA and European countries who covertly funded and armed extremist Islamic groups such as Islamic State (IS) and al qaeda and other groups to topple President Assad, and toppled several other middle eastern leaders. This is a policy known as “regime change” and has led to the rise of religious extremism and new religious extremist leaders/ regimes in the region. In the following video interview, the great writer and journalist John Pilger outlined how some western countries and Saudi Arabia and Quatar set up and supported Islamic extremist groups
Why did the US and some EU countries and Saudi Arabia and Quatar set up and keep supporting Islamic State and al qaeda and other muslim extremist groups ? these groups have carried out horrific terror attacks in the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Australia.
The military industrial complex in wealthy developed (Christian) countries is supplying weapons to all the arab countries, factions and organisations involved in wars, continuous wars, and making massive profits out of this. Sale of U.S. Arms Fuels the Wars of Arab States, New York Times, April 18, 2015. There are vast war industries and corporations, war mongers, wealthy war funders, war instigators, war initiators, political lobbyists, political advisors, and people and businesses profiteering from war and conflict, and misusing their power, wealth and influence to provoke and encourage more wars. Many of these are catholics, protestants, christians and jews. Manipulated wars for profit, for natural resources, for insane ideologies, for regional domination, for geo-political power and global power. By 2015, over 1 million people murdered, several million homes destroyed, and 5 million refugees.
The state sanctioned murders and genocides in South America, Asian countries, Communist countries, Fascist dictatorships, and some African countries where millions of innocent people were murdered over several decades have not been punished by the law or by the national courts or by foreign courts, or by the international Criminal court. The writings of Noam Chomsky, Ted Trainer and others have detailed many of these atrocities. They were similar to those carried by Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot, yet the international community has chosen to ignore this mass criminality. These defects in laws and legal processes undermine the very basis of law, bring it into total disrepute, and contradict Constitutions, Common laws and international Human Rights laws.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The world's biggest economic and military powers aided and abetted the dictators and corrupt leaders mentioned above in their crimes, and exploited their peoples and robbed them of their resources for over 100 years. They enriched 1% of the population of these developing / third world countries while depriving and starving the rest of the country. They did not invest in infrastructure, hospitals and healthcare, education and training, fair and just laws, policing and courts for all of the people. Some of these countries became cradles of state led oppression, social injustices, political and legal corruption, terrorism and terrorism networks, and crime syndicates which were then exported to other countries. The blame clearly lies on the corruption within these countries which was assisted by the world's biggest economic and military powers. Corrupt laws and policing and legal systems played a key role in this.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Poverty, Criminality, and Human Rights
In 2005, nearly 50% of the population in the world lived on the $2.50 per day line while 80% of the world lived under $10 a day.
The disparity between poor and rich is drastic as 40% of the world’s population account for 5% of the world’s income, while the richest 20% account for 75% of global income. Furthermore, the world’s richest 20% account for 76.6% of all private spending.
Approximately 0.13% of the global population controlled 25% of the world’s financial assets in 2004. In 2010, it was estimated that a mere 91,000 people owned one third of private financial wealth and half of offshore wealth. These extremely rich people account for only 0.001% of the world’s population.
In 2006, the world’s total GDP was $48.2 trillion. However, the world’s wealthiest countries also accounted for $36.6 trillion of that total.
World military expenditure in 2012 is estimated to have reached $1.75 trillion. This is 2.5 per cent of world gross domestic product (GDP). (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) This is a massive amount of money. Governments invest large sums of money and Budget expenditures on arms and arms research and development, and a continuous arms race. Yet these governments claim that healthcare spending is too expensive and they cannot afford it, but healthcare spending is a small percentage of arms spending. Surely the health and well being and productivity of their populations matter. The fact that food and water systems are being poisoned by chemicals, heavy metals, pollutants, hormones, GMO's and other toxins by large corporations and some local governments means that the health of many peoples is degenerating. These points are discussed in detail below. Surely, there should be large increases in healthcare expenditures and environmental clean ups, but there is no such increases. Many governments are cutting back on healthcare.
The global cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions between
2007 and 2014 was $13 trillion and the global value of the arms trade is $1.75 trillion per year. This amounts to $14.75 trillion wasted on corrupt special interests and the promoting of mass murder, slaughter, fraud and criminality. The cost of giving all persons on the planet adequate health care and a decent wage is $85.7 billion per year ( This figure of $85.7 billion is very small fraction of the $14.75 trillion wasted on corruption and special interests. It is 0.5% of the amount.
Laws facilitate a system where the majority of financial and economic resources are focussed on arms, weapons of mass destruction, the industries and services based upon this, the poisoning of peoples water, food and air, the bailing out of corrupt and bankrupt banks and financial institutions, and the enrichment of special interests, while depriving most of it’s populations of basic and adequate healthcare, and a basic standard of living. This is corrupt and disgraceful. These Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties and accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Government Experiments on people which led to illnesses, diseases, disabilities and deaths
In recent years there has been public revelations about secret government programmes where people were experimented on, tortured and subjected to other criminal assaults. This included children in some instances. These crimes against people and crimes against humanity have not been fully investigated and prosecuted in the courts. There is a need to uphold the Constitutional rights, Bill of Rights, Common law rights and Human rights of these victims of crime. These experiments included the following:
Tuskegee syphilis experiment
MK Ultra programme
Operation Whitecoat
Project Bluebird
Operation Midnight Climax,
The findings of the Church Committee (commissioned by the US Congress)
Nazi experiments on innocent civilians. Some of these criminals were punished at the Nuremburg trials.
Unit 731 experiments by the Japanese on innocent civilians during the 1940's.
North Korean human experimentation programmes
Soviet experiments using chemical, biological and radioactive agents on people in Gulags, prisons, hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and orphanages.
TB experiements at the St. Vincent's House orphanage in Philadelphia in the early 1900's.
The cholera experiments with Filipino prisoners by the US military and some academics
The malaria experiments on hundreds of prisoners in Stateville Penitentiary and psychiatric patients in Illinois State Hospital
The University of Pennsylvania experiments on 200 female prisoners using viral hepatitis
The 1946 to 1948 study in Guatemala, where U.S. researchers infected hundreds of people including children using syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases
The Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York where hundreds of disabled children were deliberately infected with deadly viruses and bacteria for over 2 decades.
The Sloan-Kettering Institute Cancer experiments on prisoners at Ohio State Prison and 300 healthy women in the 1950's.
In 1956 and 1957, several U.S. Army biological warfare experiments were conducted on the cities of Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida. It involved insects carrying Yellow fever and dengue. Hundreds of people became very ill, and some died.
The Cancer experiements on patients in the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn, New York by Chester M. Southam.
From 1963 to 1969 as part of Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD), the US military sprayed biological and chemical warfare agents onto US military ships to test their effects on US military personnel. The US military personnel were not informed about this.
In 1986 the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report entitled American Nuclear Guinea Pigs : Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens. This details how US citizens were used in nuclear experiments without their knowledge.
In 1953, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) ran several studies at the University of Iowa on the health effects of radioactive iodine in newborns and pregnant women.
Between 1946 and 1947, researchers at the University of Rochester carried out experiments using uranium-234 and uranium-235 on six people
Three patients at Billings Hospital at the University of Chicago were injected with plutonium In 1946, six employees of a Chicago metallurgical lab were given water that was contaminated with plutonium-239.
The experiments from 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts where disabled children were fed radioactive material to determine the adverse health effects.
From 1955 to 1960, Sonoma State Hospital in northern California carried out radioactive and chemical experiments on disabled children. It is estimated that 1,400 children died as a result of these experiments.
The Atomic Energy Commission funded the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to administer radium-224 and thorium-234 to 20 people between 1961 and 1965
In the 1950s, researchers at the Medical College of Virginia performed experiments on severe burn victims using additional burns and radioactive material.
Between 1960 and 1971, the Department of Defense funded non-consensual whole body radiation experiments on poor, black cancer patients, who were not told what was being done to them
Nasal radium irradiation was carried out on children and adults in several American hospitals for many years despite the fact thar it leads to increased risk of Cancers.
In 1963, University of Washington researchers irradiated the testes of 232 prisoners. This led to birth defects and other health problems.
In 1956, Walter E. Fernald State School, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive material in order to assess it's damaging effects on humans.
Harvard University experiments on pregnant women using diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen, in the late 1940s.
From 1950 through 1953, the U.S. Army sprayed chemicals over six cities in the United States and Canada, in order to test dispersal patterns of chemical weapons
Gulf War Syndrome and other illnesses have been researched by Dr. Garth Nicolson and other scientists. Dr. Nicolson has publications, reports and made sworn testimonies to Presidential Commissions and committees of the U. S. Congress. He exposed illegal experiments on US military personnel, exposures to dangerous toxins and tests on people in American nursing homes, prisons and hospitals.
The Vanderbilt University experiments where 829 pregnant mothers in Tennessee were given radiactive material to determine the adverse health effects.
During the atomic bomb tests in the 1940's and 1950's
, the US Public Health Services were instructed to tell citizens downwind from bomb tests that the increases in cancers were due to neurosis, and that women with radiation sickness, hair loss, and burned skin were suffering from "housewife syndrome". (Goliszek, 2003: pp. 132–134). This shows how psychiatry is used to cover up physcial and biological illnesses.
Scientific experiments on children
Unethical, illegal and dangerous scientific experiments were carried out on children in orphanages and state run institutions in the USA for several decades. This involved dangerous chemicals, radioactive material, experimental vaccines, LSD and other illegal drugs, electric shocks, biological toxins, and deadly viruses. Children were also starved while given these poisons. Children died or were left disabled and traumatised by this. New book documents Cold War experiments on kids
From 1951 to 1974, the Holmesburg Prison in Pennsylvania was the site of extensive biological and chemical experiments on prisoners on behalf of on behalf of Dow Chemical Company, the U.S. Army, and Johnson & Johnson. Many prisoners developed serious illnesses and disabilities as a result of these experiments.
And continuing experiments using biological, chemical, radioactive, illegal drugs, electro-magnetic, and other technologies to illegally experiment on people in prisons, hospitals, orphanages, institutions for disabled children, care homes for the elderly, military bases, and other state run and religious run institutions in most countries.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The Bayer scandal where thousands of people were infected with the AIDS virus in medical products, and an attempt was made to cover it up in the USA and other countries
The International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court has not and does not arrest and prosecute politicians, government leaders and government advisors from developed western countries who commit crimes or aid and abett serious crimes in other countries. Since 1945, several western leaders, ministers and advisors have committed crimes and aided and abetted serious crimes in other countries and have yet to be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court. Serious allegations of a criminal nature have been made against a well known person named Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens and others. These type of cases need to be brought before the International Criminal Court.
Transparency International, Amnesty International, UN agencies, ex state employees, ex military, interpol, NGO officials, and government whistleblowers could be used to build cases. Court orders of discovery and other tools could be used to uncover the facts and evidence.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Every year in the USA approximately 230,000 people die from prescription drugs. This includes correct and incorrect use of these drugs. This is thousands of people dying every week. Yet nobody is held accountable, nobody is investigated, arrested and prosecuted for some or many of these deaths.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Abuses of Psychiatry
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Hypocrisy which facilitates Corruption
most people are hypocritical, most cannot think, most lack even basic understanding, most people are 'sheep', they bow and crawl to corrupt politicians, corrupt advisors, corrupt bankers, corrupt property developers, corrupt clergy, bishops and religious leaders, corrupt police, corrupt judges, corrupt professionals and corrupt business people, and admire these corrupt people. They beg for the few crumbs. And they condemn, criticise, slander, gossip about, mock, belittle, and stigmatise those they see as 'different' such as the poor, the ill and disabled, the unemployed, the unmarried mothers, those of a different religion or race, the disadvantaged minorities, the elderly, their own neighbours, etc. This facilitates very nasty social divisions, tensions, conflicts and crimes, and the continued corruption of laws and political processes.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Religious Accountability
By strange coincidence, the powerful people controlling, manipulating and bribing the most powerful economic and miltary powers in the world belong to the Christian and Jewish religions for centuries. As mentioned above, these individuals are guilty of many evil and heinous crimes against humanity for centuries. Do these religions and their religious leaders teach ethics, morality, sin, principles and respect for human rights, and are they necessary for membership of a religion ?
Enforced celibacy is unnatural and is actually a sexual perversion. It twists the person against themselves, and against their inner nature and God's creation. It creates an unnatural hatred of sexuality which is then transferred to others including followers, congregations and bigots. It encourages a hatred and fear of sexuality in the general population, and harsh judgmental attitudes between people, intensifying gossip, discrimination and stigma, and poisoning communications and relations between people. Religious influence and control of voters and politicians means that this hatred is then transferred into laws which oppress peoples, divide people against each other, and keep them down.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Religious leaders and religions have opposed and hated democracy, freedom, liberalism, individualism, the national freedom of peoples, social and economic justice, women's rights, the rights of minorities, and human rights throughout history. They issued many public statements, dogmas, encyclicals, and edicts on this for over 250 years. Religious leaders were close friends of kings, queens, emperors, dictators, tyrants, corrupt political leaders, etc. and they fully supported them, and encouraged people to obey these criminals. Read history, and you will see that the big religions have always supported, and aided and abetted empires, royalty, dictators and elite social classes and their crimes against humanity. Invasions of countries and occupations of countries often had the support of religious leaders (read Papal Bull Laudabiliter). Religious leaders used God to justify every type of evil throughout history. Their actions and behaviour show that they had no morality, no ethics, and no principles. Their frauds faclitated crimes against peoples and against humanity.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The vatican conducted crusades in Europe and the Middle East, religious wars of conquest and genocides in Europe, and the Inquisition, and supported invasions and genocides against native peoples in South America, North America, Asia and Africa, and tacitly supported the slave trade from Africa. Some of the Protestant churches and some Christian were also guilty of these crimes. Millions of people were murdered and there were no arrests and prosecutions of the religious people involved. The following passages from the Bible expose the hypocrisy of religions and their quest for power and wealth thorughout history:
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” 10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” 11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
Matthew 4:8-10
Some developed and developing countries impose religious opinions and views on their peoples through narrow minded religious laws passed in parliaments. Those of a different religion and no religion are often discriminated against by these laws. This discrimination affects housing, employment, education and training, legal processes, court decisions, marriages, friendships, social interactions etc.. This discrimination reaches into many areas of societies, poisioning individuals, families and communities against each other. It undermines the Constitutional rights, Common law rights and human rights of significant percentages of populations. It also contributes to injustices, crimes, fundamentalism, terrorism and conflicts.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The people who ran the first Gulags in the Soviet Union were raised as eastern orthodox christians, protestants and catholics. In Communist Asian countries those who ran the Gulags were raised as Buddhists. The most extreme political ideologies were created in response to the failures of hypocritical religions which allowed terrible injustices and evil to flourish for many centuries. The failures of religions is one of the most important factors in history and led directly to the birth of many extremist ideologies. Extreme injustices and conditions created all forms of extremist reactions and coruptions of peoples, political systems and laws throughout history up to the present day.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The Rise in Healthcare Costs and the Poisoning of Water, Food and Air
In 2005, the Environmental Working Group published a report by Jane Houlihan and Timothy Kropp titled 'Body Burden : The Pollution in Newborns'. The placenta cord blood of newborn babies was tested for 413 different industrial chemicals and heavy metals. 287 dangerous chemicals and heavy metals were found in the babies, including PCB's, mercury, DDT, dioxins, fluorinated hydrocarbons, organo-phosphates, and many other types of Persistant Organic Pollutants. This blood was obtained from newborn babies, their first few days of life.
T. Kroop, J. Houlihan, S. Gray, R. Wiles. Environmental Working Group, 2005. Body Burden : The Pollution in Newborns.
Toxline is the main international database for storing scientific research papers regarding links between industrial chemicals, agricultural chemicals and heavy metals in food, water, some medicines, and air and human illnesses and diseases. We would encourage you to visit and use the facilities on Toxline Further information on toxins in food, water, some medicines and air and their negative effects on human health can be found here at:
In many countries the soil is polluted with chemicals and toxins from pesticides, herbicides, and industrial pollutants. These toxins get into the food supply and water supply of humans, causing illnesses and diseases. Furthermore, the use of fluoride and other chemicals and contaminants in public drinking water has led to further toxins entering the human food chain. Use of lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene, manganese, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the food supplies have been found to be hazardous to human health. Use of GMO foods causes diseases in animals, including Cancers and degenerative diseases. There are many forms of contaimination - the use of hormones, steroids and antibiotics in meat, dangerous addditives in food, leaks from nuclear power stations which contaminate water and air, the use of chemtrails which poison the air, water and food suplies, and mercury and heavy metal contamination of river water supplies, sea water and fish. Studies are continuing to show that these cause genetic changes to humans which lead to illnesses and diseases. Many Cancers, autoimmune illnesses, neurological illnesses, heart diseases, autism, immune dysfunctions and chronic infections, chronic illnesses and birth defects can be traced back to this poisoning of human water and food supplies. The prestigious medical journal The Lancet has published research showing the destructive health effects of fluoride and other chemicals in water supplies - Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity. Dr Philippe Grandjean MD, Philip J Landrigan. The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 330 - 338, March 2014.
The American Board of Clinical Metal Toxiciology is a medical association with expertise in the area of chemical and heavy metal poisoning of people. Some disturbing facts and scientific evidence are detailed in the book The Autoimmune Epidemic By Donna Jackson Nakazawa (Touchstone. 2009). A Harvard University study in 2013 found that fluoride had damaging effects on human health. Other scientific research confirms these indings about fluoride, Fluoride - A Modern Toxic Waste By Dr. Lita Lee. The EPA in the USA, a government agency charged with protecting the people, has classified fluoride as a substance with "with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity". The nazis used fluoride in the concentraton camps in order to make the prisoners docile and obedient. There is strong opposition to fluoride poisoning of the water in Britain - . Some more useful information about the toxic effects of fluoride are listed on Several countries have banned the use of fluoride in the drinking water, see listing here
Further scientific research papers are listed here on
The continued use of chemtrails in commercial jets and airlines is poisoning the air, land, food and water supplies, and having destructive effects on the brain and neurological system, the glands, and the immune system. Chemtrails have been listed as a weapon in laws passed by the US Congress in 2013. The following video by an American neurosurgeon outlines the medical effects of chemtrails. The continued use of chemtrails is a criminal offence and should be prosecuted under the law.
The poisoning of the food and water supplies of peoples has resulted in large increase in illnesses, diseases, disabilities, premature deaths, and increases in healthcare costs, government health spending, and hospital admissions and hospital waiting lists in most countries. Many governments and insurance companies are becoming bankrupted by rising health costs. This poisoning has been carried out by large corporations, some farming communities and municipal governments. The persons responsible for poisoning millions of people in many countries have not been investigated, arrested or prosecuted. The corrupt laws have acted to protect them and promote this criminality.
Who should pay for the cleaning up of the soil, the water supplies, the foods, and the seas ? who should pay for the health costs of the ilnesses and diseases caused by this mass poisoning of people ? what about the human rights and Constitutional rights of people ?
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The law does not facilitate adequate protection of public health. This is a major failing of law and of government. In many countries state / government health bodies, health agencies, and health research bodies are not audited to identify conflicts of interest, corruption, deceit, theft, cover-ups, negligence and incompetence. Thus the public health has been put in danger many times, and in most cases nobody has been held to account. There is no provision in law for direct and enforceable accountability, transparency, honesty and integrity in all public health bodies (government, state, federal). This failing amounts to endangerment of public health and in some cases murder. The following video provides one example of serious misconduct in the provision of medical services.
All health service bodies and providers should be independently audited to identify conflicts of interest, corruption, deceit, theft, over charging for expenses, false receipting, cover-ups, negligence and incompetence. Whistleblowers and members of the public should be included in these auditing and feedback processes.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The law accepts, integrates and enforces WTO regulations which force all nations to participate in a type of Globalisation focussed on a “race to the bottom”. In developed western countries, this race involves driving down the wages of the working classes down to subsistence levels, removing all health entitlements, social security entitlements, holiday pay, maternity leave, and other benefits. This is accompanied and often enforced by downsizing, rationalisation, and capital flight and the degeneration of cities, towns and regions, increases in crime and alcohol and drug abuse, whilst increasing the salaries, bonuses and stock options of executives, investment bankers, stock brokers, and speculators. Thus one sees increasing concentrations of income and of wealth, and increasing levels of poverty and desperation and an accompanying increase in debt levels as working class people borrow to survive and the wealthy borrow to show off. Also an increase in many social ills, including crime levels, prison levels, healthcare issues and social breakdown associated with increasing poverty. The law facilitates and encourages the very conditions which lead to the breaking of laws, Constitutions, Common laws and of social order and of basic civility.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
WTO based laws use vicious competition between people and nations to fuel environmental destruction across the world. The health dangers to the public posed by various types of environmental destruction are not assessed, audited, prevented or guarded against by laws. They also promote GMO foods and other polluted foods which pose health dangers to present and future generations. These corrupt laws bring out the worst in humanity, forcing peoples into intensely competitive situations based on artificial scarcity, desperation and fear which in turn pushes a destructive economic, health and social agenda with long term consequences.
The case study of Enron corporation deliberately sabotaging energy generation and delivery in California, and using this to increase prices several years ago, is an excellent example. There are many other examples from around the world. Supply and demand is often rigged or manipulated in some way so as to artificially increase prices and profits.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
The law enables the establishment of big Foundations which can manipulate accounting results to declare Net Income of zero or very low amounts. Yet these foundations can invest in corporate stock and in securities which increase their net worth. And their tax liability is zero. Thus they get wealthier and wealthier and pay no tax. And the law provides for this illegality and tax evasion.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Structured Injustice
It is a sad fact that in several developed countries, disabled people are discriminated against and abused by the legal system and the police. This is occurring in several EU countries and US states, and very little or nothing has been done to remedy this serious problem. Some appaling cases of abuse, discrimination, denial of justice, and perversions of justice against hundreds of disabled people in the UK by the police and legal
authorities were exposed and discussed at a a national Conference in UCC in Cork in Ireland in 2012. See 'Creating Equitable Access to Justice: Recognising People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime', 3rd-4th May, 2012, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex (BHSC G-01), University College Cork.
Similar cases and deficiencies in laws and legal systems in other countries were also part of the lectures at this Conference. It is a form of structured injustice, structured criminality, and it is totally unacceptable. The denial of the Consitutional rights, Common law rights and human rights of disabled people is a crime against these people, indeed a crime against humanity.
Access to lawyers and legal services has become prohibitively expensive in many developed countries. Many working class people cannot afford these services. The existence of powerful vested interests and lobbying campaigns in many countries protects lawyers from free and open competition. Massive debt and enforced scarcity (austerity) prevents many governments from providing adequate legal supports and services for vulnerable people and social groups. All of this acts to block the provision of affordable legal services, and thus equality before the law, and destroys democracy.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
Disabled people, women, those peoples and families dispossessed of jobs and wealth through globalisation and austerity, and minorities experience a lot of discrimination, stigma and social and economic injustices in societies throughout the developed and developing world. The laws are inadequate and do not provide effective protection of the Constitutional, Common Law and human rights of these vulnerable people and social groups.
Corrupted laws, Constitutional provisions, and legal systems need to be changed, reversed, repealed and replaced by more just, equitable, fair and democratic laws and systems which are in accordance with Constitutions, Common laws and human rights laws and treaties. And accompanying rigorous oversight and auditing by oversight bodies, new criminal penalties for white collar crime and economic changes which support the dignity of the human being.
I could go on and on detailing the law and the ways and means in which it enslaves people and deprives them of their rights. Laws are corrupted as they are derived from and serve the dominant social and economic class which creates them. Thus they facilitate and aid and abet all manner of fraud and criminality.