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Effects of Stigma, Prejudices, Gossip, Slander, Discrimination, and Accompanying Injustices

Thousands of victims of nazi concentration camps
Some of the millions of people murdered in Soviet Gulags
Body of Syrian child Aylan Kurdi. Victim of 'regime change' Some of the 1 million people murdered in Rwandan genocide
Memorial to Irish Famine & Genocide Victims, Ireland
Evictions during Irish Famine. Misuse of law and religion


Do you like being mocked and belittled ? gossiped about and slandered ? discriminated against ? stigmatised ? sneered at ? pointed at ? disrespected ? suffering from prejudice ? the ruining of your character in public ? being the victim of incitements to hatred and violence ? the victim of bullying and anti social behaviour ? socially excluded ? socially alienated ?
How would you react to this abuse ? how would you react if your family was subjected to this abuse ?
If you do not like this being done to yourself, then why do it to others ? what you give to others will be returned to you.

The person who spreads lies, gossip, rumours, slanders, defamation, hatred, etc. against another person or other persons is guilty of great evil, great crimes and enormous damage. Several ancient spiritual and religious books and teachings all state that "the tongue has the power of life and death".This lies at the root of all human conflict from verbal rows between people to fights to gang warfare to civil wars to wars betwen countries to world wars. Take a look at the distressing pictures above.

Society and its many ills, conflicts, and wars is governed by interpersonal communications and dynamics and the feedback mechanisms which are part of this. Individuals are in a constant dynamic feedback with society, in the form of families, friends, work colleagues, teams, casual acqaintances, strangers, etc. The Environment is created, re-created, changed and maintained by feedback mechanisms and in this case by negative and destructive feedback mechanisms. Negative and destructive environments have their own negative feedback mechanisms, and central to all of this is stigma, discrimination and prejudices. Stigma, prejudices, hatreds, discrimination fuel the misundersandings, injustices and the conflicts in our families, relationships, friendships, communities, societies and nations and the wars between nations. They divide people against each other on the grounds of:

- religion
- social class
- disability or illness
- employment status or unemployment
- race
- job
- gender
- ethnic group
- perceived differences between people
- lies, gossip, and slanders spread by malicious individuals
- age
- political views
- one's appearance or looks
- weight

They create negative communication dynamics and feedback mechanisms which have far reaching consequences. This poisons humans and destroys relationships with other people, one's fellow humans, one's God, one's principles, and the earth. In particualar, gossip, backbiting, slanders, idle talk, rumours, hateful talk, prejudices, incitement to hatred, stigma leads to aggression, violence, serious physical injury, damage to property, crimes, hurt to family and friends, intimidation, bullying, and social exclusion create illnesses of the body, mind and soul. Scientists and doctors have found that they have biological consequences which can be measured in the genes, the blood, the messenger RNA, the hormones, immune cells, brain chemicals, brain glucose levels, the brain and nervous system structures of people, which causes many illnesses. This sets up structures of physical causation and biological causation which lead to hatreds, intensification of divisions between people, conflicts, wars, genocides, crimes, injustices etc.. The pictures and the videos on this web page show the destructive effects of this on all of our lives.


The following pictures are the reality of ‘Regime Change’ in the Middle East started, supported and backed by some christian nations in the west and gulf states in the Middle East who cynically manipulate groups of people against each other. This is what happens through the power of the tongue and wrong actions when human divisions, prejudice, bigotry, discrimination are inflamed and manipulated often for profit, sales, territory, geo political aims, dominance over others, etc..

Watch video of Syria - https://www.facebook.com/PRESSTV/videos/1039270009448119/

'War would exist without countries. War emerges from consciousness
immersed in division / separation and accompanying injustices'

Wars and conflicts have greatly benefitted certain rich and priviliged sections of society while manipulating, using and destroying the poor, the working class, innocent civilians, the gullible, the naive, the young, and the weak minded.

The Core issues

The Core Issues afflicting humanity can be categorised as follows :
  1. Excessive selfishness, self-centredness, greed, acquisitiveness, avarice, corruption, corrupt deals, materialism, ego, claiming to be correct all of the time in one’s views, dogma or beliefs, self aggrandisement, self importance. Modern factors such as the widespread prevalence of Neo Liberal economics and a selfish, materialistic "me, me, me" culture creates a harsh uncaring climate, promotes greed, selfishness, misunderstandings, mockery, judgmental attitudes, a 'blame the victim' mentality, fuelling excessive divisions and conflict between people. This is accompanied by factors below:
  2. Not caring for others, neglecting others, dismissing others, fobbing off others, being too busy all the time, being irresponsible and not giving a damn about oneself and others and one's community and society, excessive self centredness and meanness accompanied by:
  3. Judging others, condemning others, belittling and mocking others, denigrating others, gossiping about others, destroying the self esteem of others, slandering others, prejudice and discrimination, bullying others, religious hatreds and hypocrisy, lack of empathy, irresponsibility and a failure to understand personal responsibility, undermining others, inciting hatred against others, abusive and destructive family environments and community environments which leads to
  4. Tensions, misunderstandings, distrust, suspicion, anger, resentment, hateful divisions, violence, hatred, crime, conflicts, wars, genocides, holocausts, acrimony, break ups, bitterness, etc
  5. Irresponsibility as people behave like docile, fearful and submissive sheep, and 'go along' with all manner of corruption, the great fear of punishment by moral cowards, the moral cowardice and moral cowards who ignore or meekly accept injustices and abuses, academics, professionals and clergy who are moral cowards, the masses who live in great fear and refuse to take responsibility for their own lives, the lives of their families, and their communities and societies. The greatest of abuses, corruption and injustices are committed and allowed to be committed, by those individuals who refuse to accept personal responsibility, and refuse to act in a responsible and conscientious manner, and refuse to say stop to the tyrants, the dictators, the corruptors, the criminals, the abusers, etc..
  6. The effects of severe trauma, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and emotional abuse in childhood and also in adulthood in the form of broken relationships and marriages and friendships are an important environmental factor. This tends to be worsened by the above factors.
  7. Traumatic loss, traumatic stress including the loss of parents, a partner, a wife / husband, a child, a close friend, a job, a career which can intensify and worsen the above factors
  8. The effects of political manipulation and religious manipulation which set people against each other, and intensify the above factors, and led to more injustices, abuses, crimes and atrocities. This has been cynically done for power, money, property, land, wealth, by deranged and immoral political leaders and religious leaders, using God as a criminal weapon of convenience.
  9. The negative energy and negative environment created by the factors mentioned in the points above. This entraps people in a negative energetic environment. Negative energy drains people, weakens people, poisons body, mind, emotions and spirit and destroys health. Illnesses naturally result form this. This negativity can become continuous, even "normal", "cultural" "acceptable", damaging and killing those entrapped in it.
  10. Endocrine illnesses and neurological illnesses which affect the nervous system, viral or other pathogen infections of the nervous system, and heavy metal or toxin contamination of the brain and nervous system in adulthood can increase the risk of mental illness, emotional illness, anti-social and criminal behaviour
  11. An inability or unwillingness to properly fund and resource the healing of humanity and healing centres for this purpose. And in addition to this lack of healing, there is an accompanying inability or unwillingness to strategise for peace and harmony and achieve it at individual levels and groups levels and at national and international levels. This involves failures at political level and government level and inter-governmental level. Thus, ignorant, sick and deranged political and authority figures - politicians, governments, advisors, diplomats, political lobbyists, etc. condemn others and themselves and their societies and world to more illness, more misery, more crime, more conflicts and more war while creating continuous conflict at all levels of their societies and world. Chronic lack of leadership, responsibility, and integrity in the modern world. .

This is the sick, unhealthy and deranged environment which poisons people and creates illnesses and all the misery, crimes, injustices and wars in the world.

This is the sick, unhealthy and deranged environment which poisons people and creates illnesses and all the misery, crimes, injustices and wars in the world.

There are deeper spiritual, secular, existential, philsophical and humanitarian aspects to this problem of stigma, prejudices, discrimination and tribalistic hatreds. Religous leaders presume to offer reglious and spiritual guidance to their followers, yet the facts and evidence show that they failed in this, and continue to fail. The following letters adressed to leaders of many religions and spiritual organisations, and accompanying economic papers and sociology papers deal with the issue of stigma, prejudices, and discrimination, gossip and slander, social exclusion, ghettos, and violence, unlimited greed and injustices, and the hateful divisions and conflicts they cause around the world.

Doing nothing or ignoring these problems is not an option anymore. Humanity has done nothing and tried to ignore it for far too long, but this has caused great suffering for most of humanity. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." (Dietrich Bonhoeffer).

Humanity has been silent too long and suffered enough, and continues to suffer, and this suffering will be increased further for you, your family, your children and grandchildren, your friends, your loved ones, your colleagues, and all persons, in a world full of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, and increased trade in these as a result of social breakdown, state corruption, political and legal system corruption, the continuation of terrible injustices and cycles of revenge, international criminality, and the fuelling of continuous conflicts and terror. People in all countries need to work together to overcome stigma and prejudices, and to heal and build healing in all areas of life. Did George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, the freedom and democracy fighters in many countries in the 19th and 20th century, and the victorious allies in world war war two, do nothing and wait around for Jesus or some other messiah to come ? The answer is no. Doing nothing and waiting around for Jesus or other messiahs is not an option. All persons need to take personal responsibility and make a stand to make their communities, societies and world better, fairer and more humane.

There are activities you and others can do to help end stigma and conflicts

  • embrace a spirituality or religion or secular humanism or humanistic atheism which implements love, tolerance, oneness, compassion and justice, not the existing religions and spiritualities which accept and promote greed, hatred, prejudice and indifference
  • realise that rights come with responsibilities and implements those responsibilities every day
  • refuse to stigmatise others. Treat others with respect, dignity, and compassion
  • refuse prejudices and discrimination
  • refuse to speak gossip and slander, and refuse to listen to it
  • refuse to socially exclude others
  • refuse to ghetto-ise people
  • refuse to bully others
  • refuse to abuse others
  • refuse to judge others
  • refuse to belittle, sneer at, and mistreat others
  • refuse to sit back and accept all manner of social injustices, economic injustices, political corruption and injustices, and legal injustices and corruption
  • work and carry out actions to end social exclusion and to support people against injustices and against bullies, tyrants and stigmatisers
  • working and carrying out actions to provide support to the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the ill, the elderly, those in distress from floods or other natural disasters, the innocent victims of crimes and wars
  • support Constitutional amendments, laws and government policies which end stigma, prejudices, discrimination and ghettos. And which protect human rights.
  • march, protest, and campaign for human rights, civil rights and social inclusion
  • support new poltical policies, new laws and new economic policies to end stigma, prejudices, discrimination, ghettos, and tribalistic hatreds. Economic, social and political policies which build tolerance, brotherhood and fraternity among all, and respect for the four freedoms.
  • embrace democratic values of liberty, equality, fraternity and teach these values to children
  • support each other against bullies, tyrants and stigmatisers
  • work for social inclusion

The Healing centres will work with people, institutions, public and private organisations, governments, state bodies to overcome and stop the stigma, prejudices, discrimination, and the accompanying hatreds, divisions and injustices caused by these, and to build healing betweeen all persons and all peoples

What kind of world is possible ? view the following inspirational video: