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The Failures of Modern Psychiatry and Psycho-Therapy and Counselling

An Analysis of Dr. Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan Peterson is an internationally famous and acclaimed psychologist and psycho-therapist. His many works, including Maps of Meaning, have changed the field of psychology, introducing new insights into the field and innovative new techniques. His wide readings of top psychologists psychiatrists, philosophers and historians combined with his own experiences with patients over many years have been an important contribution to the field of psychology. He is correct and accurate in some of his analysis, but there are important flaws and defects in his views and work. Some parts of his work are very controversial and there is a lack of full consensus among experts. I will examine these defects and flaws below:

  1. Social Dominance Hierarchies - Satanic Hierarchies
    Jordan Peterson mentions the social dominance hierarchy many times and the fact that it is millions of years old and applies to many species including humans. He believes that people should adjust to and conform to this social dominance hierarchy and seek to rise within this hierarchy. He appears to support the social dominance hierarchy. This is the same hierarchy which enforces the worst evils - injustices, political and legal corruption, false imprisonments, white collar crimes, cover ups of paedophile rings and drug crime by the elite, wars, conflicts and regime changes based on lies, Globalism or the new Imperialism, discrimination and prejudices which poison societies, etc.. This hierarchy is the Satanic Hierarchy and Peterson believes it is justified and should be obeyed.
    He also ignores or neglects the highly destructive effects of the Environment which in most cases was and is still created by the social dominance hierarchy and is maintained and enforced by it. There are several problems with Jordan Peterson's views:
    • Firstly a social dominance hierarchy tends to be insular, self perpetuating, self protective and forcefully exclusive. There are in-built mechanisms of prejudice, discrimination, deliberate social deprivation, stigmatisation, selective business policies, insider trading, exclusive secret societies, exclusive social networks, corrupt government contracts, excessive high school and University fees and expenses which exclude many, dating and marriage discrimination, rigid class distinction and race distinction, sectarianism, etc. to prevent persons from entering and / or rising up within this hierarchy. Hierarchies depend on exclusion and on denigration, belittlement, distrust and even hatred of those who are excluded or considered below them. And this hatred is often expressed violently whether through forceful social exclusion, verbal abuse, violence, slandering, put downs, gossip, illegal use of the police,false accusations, framing people for crimes, etc.. It is a a form of "identity politics", where those inside the exclusive social group have one identity and everybody outside has another more inferior identity. Peterson claims to despise 'identity politics', yet unknowingly supports it through acceptance of the social dominance hierarchy. The current world where the richest 1% are getting richer and richer depicts a world where opportunities for major social and economic advancement are confined to the richest 1 – 3 % of a population.

    • Social Dominance hierarchies do not take responsibility as they run sophisticated tax havens where trillions of dollars are held offshore to evade taxes and regulations, mainly in western nations. Estimated at $40 trillion globally. This money is recycled or invested in lucrative markets around the world such as real estate speculation in big cities and other speculation activities and activaly used to suck even more wealth out of countries worldwide and hide it away in tax havens. This is repeated many times as accumulated money in tax havens is recycled (or washed) again and again and used to amass even greater fortunes. This specualtion prices many ordinary working class people out of the market in many countries. This offshore wealth has grown exponentially since 1980. This deprives countries, governments and peoples of tax revenues to develop their schools, public infrastructure, hospitals, policing, legal systems and justice, training and skills, etc. and pushes countries into higher levels of debt. It enforces debt slavery and tax slavery among the working class and middle class and it also enforces oligarchy and tyranny and actively attacks democracy, rights, responsibilities, social justice, and social order. It is a direct attack on democracy. This affects both western developed countries, and developing countries. For example, research shows that Africa has been robbed of trillions of dollars in tax revenues, natural resources revenues, and international loans since 1970. This system robs hundreds of millions of people of their true potential in life and is a significant contributing factor to global poverty. The social dominance hierarchy ruthlessly enforces this and maintains this.
      Peterson like many others fails to understand the negative and destructive effects of this. He naively ignores this and its effects, while supporting the social dominance hierarchies which enforce it.

    • Peterson states that social dominance hierarchies may be millions of years old, but so is murder, robbery, rape, paedophilia, crime etc. ; does this longevity justify them ? The social dominance hierarchies were enforced through violence, intimidation, imprisonment, torture, murder, theft, pillage, crimes, death, fear, hate, envy for centuries. Pure criminality. This was discussed above. They have left a strong imprint on the mind and the collective unconscious and collective conscious of humanity, turning people into obedient sheep or slaves, and blocking and stifling reform and change for decades and centuries. Some of these corrupt entities exist in the form of royalty and aristocracy today, and have considerable property and land holdings. Jordan Peterson ignores and dismisses the criminal nature of this over centuries, while he inadvertently facilitates obedience to it. He lacks the integrity, moral bravery, and intellectual depth to challenge, discredit, undermine, reform, change this hierarchy or structure and everything it has represented.

    • Jordan Peterson needs to realise that most social dominance hierarchies are not hierarchies of competence but hierarchies of incompetence, corruption, irresponsibility, excessive greed and dishonesty. According to the IMF we have had 425 systemic crashes between 1970 and 2010. This consisted of 145 banking crashes, 204 monetary collapses, and 76 sovereign debt crises. The government and central bank bail outs of banks, big corporates and the rich, amounted to over $15 trillion globally after 2008 and in addition to this there was the continuing corporate welfare and corporate subsidies amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars per  year. the cost to the American economy of the financial crash and accompanying deep recession in terms of lost output, gdp, productivity, bail outs, higher unemployment, lost revenues and earnings has been estimated at $24 trillion (Dr. William K. Black), a truly massive loss. The financial crash of 2008 also led to the loss of 9 million jobs and 6 million evictions from family homes in the USA. There were similar massive losses of trillions of euros for Europe including Ireland, Britain, Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Italy, etc.. Globally 34 million people lost their jobs and $26 trillion was wiped off the value of shares. In addition to this, many businesses and banks are underperforming and failing for these same reasons and also due to the fact that aggregate demand (and accompanying higher sales, revenues, profits, innovations) is being suppressed through excessive concentrations of wealth and accompanying inequalities and government policies which facilitate this.

      This proves that social dominance hierarchies are often based on incompetence, corruption, irresponsibility, excessive greed and dishonesty. Yet, governments, businesses and banks are continuing with the same policies which caused these crashes in the past, and this will cause crashes in the future. Do we want more crashes and more bail outs and austerity costing taxpayers trillions of dollars / euros  in the future ? Would Jordan Peterson be prepared to financially pay for these failures ?

    • Many social dominance hierarchies arose from banking which created money out of nothing and lent it out at interest to people in the form of loans and mortgages. Creating money out of nothing is counterfeiting and a crime, but there are special rules which allow bankers to commit this counterfeiting and crime. This enables vast fortunes to be made by banks during speculation booms and economic booms. While during crashes the banks seize property and assets from people, families and businesses, and sell them for profit, while also making money from pay outs on loan and mortgage insurance. And if banks fail, then the politicians and governments will bail them out. This is an example of social dominance hierarchies built on conterfeiting and crime and the use of bail out monies, in addition to the other factors mentioned in the section above. Jordan Peterson fails to comprehend this aspect of social dominance hierarchies,and has failed to expose it in his lectures.

    • Many people who rise within social dominance hierarchies are sycophants, ass kissers, conformists, 'yes men', blackmailers, backstabbers and backbiters and 'group thinkers' who support every type of corruption, bad business deals, bad decisions, short termist thinking, etc.. They tend to stifle an organisation and endanger an organisation through focussing on maximising short term individual gains at the expense of the business, the investors, the organisation..

    • Social dominance hierarchies tend to glorify greed, selfishness, self-centredness, superficiality and poison the souls of people. The poisoning of people’s souls is the worst form of crime, as it creates and re-creates many more evils, crimes and wrongs which adversely affect and hurt greater and greater numbers of people. They set people against each other in many ways, they cheapen and devalue human life, and they make one class of persons falsely believe they are superior to others and another class falsely believe that they are inferior to others and create conditions for all manne rof strife. The USA under Neo Liberal economics (since 1981) has had the highest rate of people in prison in the world and continuing high rates of crime, divorce, seperations, community breakdown, loneliness, alcohol and drug abuse, etc.

    • Social dominance hierarchies have had unusually high numbers of paedophiles in them. This was true in the past and remains true today. The power and social status associated with social dominance hierarchies enabled these people to escape investigation and prosecution for these crimes and other crimes. Jordan Peterson praises social dominance hierarchies while ignoring their dark side. Indeed, excessive praise of these social dominance hierarchies has created the conditions for their crimes to exist and flourish. This is discussed further in Point 2 below.

    • Adjusting to social dominance hierarchies can lead to resentment, bitterness, anger, jealousy, revenge, hatred, lack of empathy, etc. and to moral cowardice, and to related problems of alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic abuse, bullying, anti social behaviour, crime. I refer Jordan Peterson to the section 'The Destructive Effects of High levels of Inequality Accompanied by High Levels of Disrespect, Hatred, Prejudice and Discrimination' above which deals with the effects of extreme inequalities in several countries and compares them with more equal countries.

    • The unfortunate fact is that many millions of highly intelligent and competent children from poor and deprived families in developed countries and developing countries never get the chance to develop their talents and realise their potential. The same applies for those who are deliberately socially excluded in the developed world and western countries. And as wealth becomes more and more concentrated, this will deprive many more millions of these children from realising their full potential in life. Furthermore most people at the bottom of the social dominance hierarchy work very hard but they receive very little or no reward. Their income is determined by a corrupted economic system which belittles and denigrates their work, their self worth, their self esteem and their dignity, and impoverishes those working at the mid to low end of the hierarchy. But, it vastly rewards those at the top of the hierarchy, rewards which are well beyond their productivity, utility and social value. This is based on superficial value judgments, outdated belief systems, and artificial mental constructs, imposed by elites at the top of the hierarchy to protect their own positions and rob those lower down the hierarchy. Fools, even among academics naively support this. The facts show that many people at the top of the social dominance hierarchy are incompetent and dysfunctional, as shown in the financial crash of 2008, and the many other crashes throughout history, the corrupt and dysfunctional political systems, the dysfunctional health systems, the ineffective and dysfunctional legal systems and crime prevention systems, and failed housing systems, the disastrous international relations, and the widespread environmental destruction. In fact those people at the top are highly incompetent, dysfunctional, ignorant, irrational, inept, and hopeless, they have negative productivity.

      The economic system is deliberately rigged and skewed to favour those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy and excessively reward them, and marginalise and impoverish most of the population. A massive international casino has been created since the early 1980's where vast amounts of money created out of nothing by banks is used for mass speculation and gambling, and rigging to enrich those on the inside. Insiders make vast wealth (tax free) while outsiders or those at the mid to lower level of the hierarchy are forced to accept lower living standards (and fully taxed). And this creates great instabilities in the financial system, banks, businesses, investment, government finances (bail outs) and in social systems. It destroys the fabric of society such as the social systems, the families and communities which are vital for human life. This fact has been revealed and discussed by Nobel Laureates such as Stiglitz, Krugman, Shiller and others in papers, lectures and books. It also been the subject of a new book New World Disorder by Egan. Peterson appears to be completely ignorant about the destructive nature of this failed economic system.

      The world has limited resources and a growing concentration of resources and wealth in the top 1 - 3 % naturally leads to less resources for everybody else. In many countries University or third level education is becoming more unaffordable to the masses due to big government cutbacks in education over time so the government can bail out rich bankers, speculators and business people, give more tax breaks to the rich, launder more money in tax havens, provide more over-priced contracts to the rich, and cover up vast misappropriations of funds at government level amounting to trillions of dollars. Cutbacks to high school and primary school education and to community supports to help build up the intellectual, responsibility and working capacity of deprived families and individuals has worsened this. While the massive debt levels of recent University graduates just adds to this large scale skewing of limited resources to favour those at the top of the hierarchy who own most of the wealth and bank deposit / savings funds and capital.

      The present inequalities and social dominance hierarchies where the richest 1% are getting richer and richer are actually working against greater realisation of human potential, greater competence, harder and more productive work, and higher productivity for the human race. Peterson is wrong.

    • Long historical experience has taught humanity that slavishly conforming to social dominance hierarchies leads to (a) tyranny of the left wing or the right wing (b) oligarchy and a high level of misery, suffering, excessive debt, poverty and anxiety for most people (c) the conditions for rebellion and revolution which leads to new tyrannies of the left wing or the right wing.

    • Peterson forgets to mention that social dominance hierarchies prior to the 19th century such as that of the catholic church and other churches and kings and emperors led to the murder of many millions of innocent people, the torture and the oppression of millions, and to many other evils and injustices. He cannot comprehend that social dominance hierarchies which are centralised, corrupt, greedy, undemocratic and oligarchic create the same problems today as they did over thousands of years. The same human stupidity still exists, despite technological advances and the presumed advances in psychology, psychiatry, sociology, politics, philosophy and ‘civilization’. I would advise Jordan Peterson to read www.healingcentres.org/law.htm

    • Blindly accepting social dominance hierarchies, as now proposed by Jordan Peterson, would have destroyed democracy in the 18th century and destroyed movements for national sovereignty then ; many of us today would be living within imperialistic empires run by kings and queens. Yet today social dominance hierarchies led by the richest 1% are trying to undermine and destroy democracy and democratic and human rights in many developed countries and developing countries in the interests of creating a tyrannical, oligarchic and corrupt  ‘New World Order’ (to use the phrase of some leading politicians, bankers and business people).

  2. Is Jordan Peterson guilty of moral cowardice ?
    Social dominance hierarchies were established through political corruption and legal system corruption, banking corruption, abuses of power, murder, torture, plunder, theft, rape, unnecessary wars (often called ‘regime change'), the use of elite paedophile rings, white collar crime, the bankrupting of banks and whole nations, and the perversion of society. Most police, public prosecutors, court officials, and legal systems refuse to investigate and prosecute the very rich and powerful, as they have powerful business, political and legal friends and allies. In most cases, the legal system is rigged to protect corrupt rich people and senior government people and employees of the state. Those police and prosecutors who have investigated and tried to prosecute elite paedophile rings and corruption by politicians, government employees, banks and powerful people have suffered the following:

    - been blocked and intimidated by their superiors in the police or department of justice
    - had their careers, families and lives threatened
    - have had false charges made against them
    - have been set up or entrapped through stings and honey traps
    - been offered bribes of large amounts of money
    - have had files or evidence go missing
    - witnesses intimidated
    - victims and/or witness testimonies mysteriously changed
    - have had cases mysteriously dropped by prosecutors
    - have had judges undermine them
    - illegal interference by secret societies in some cases
    - have had political interference from politicians and government ministers

    Furthermore these police have been bullied and intimidated by other police and in many cases, they have been forced to leave the police and end their careers. Many police whistleblowers are coming forward to tell their story to news and media in Europe, North America and some parts of Asia. And importantly there is also the fact that the rich and powerful can afford the best lawyers and barristers to find loopholes and other means of manipulation to escape justice. The case of paedophile rings used and run by the powerful elite in several countries is an excellent case study. The Jimmy Saville case in Britain is one of many such cases. Others include widespread rapes of women in Japan and some other eastern countries which are not punished by the police and prosecutors, as there is still gender bias against women. Here is just one of many examples:

    These crimes by elites are detailed further in www.healingcentres.org/law.htm  and  I would strongly advise Jordan Peterson to read this web page. Can Peterson's mind process the fact that dominant social hierarchies in developed countries (and developing countries) can commit serious crimes and get away with them as they have the ability to use the social dominance hierarchy to forcefully cover up these crimes ? Jordan Peterson is always preaching about responsibility ; should Peterson demand greater responsibility and accountability by those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy, including government ministers, senior police, judges, public prosecutors, lawyers, senior civil servants, lobbyists, and bankers ? Is Jordan Peterson guilty of moral cowardice ?

    Has Jordan Peterson ever protested against, publicly condemned and marched against political and legal corruption, police corruption, modern wars or regime changes based on greed and power, social class bigotry, religious bigotry, racism, social injustices, vast inequalities in wealth and income ?? Does he believe in freedom, democracy, democratic rights, human rights and human dignity, does he actively work for it ? does he believe in taking responsibility for this ? or is he working against it by supporting the status quo, those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy, the oligarchies and big brother technologies which are undermining and destroying democracies and freedom.

  3. Peterson should read the section 'Structures of Causation - The Role of the Environment and Negative Environmental Feedback mechanisms' on this web site as it will explain to him the causal factors for human conflict and disharmony in the world. He should focus on the Collective Unconscious and Collective Conscious and the Core Issues mentioned in that section above. The social dominance hierarchy and it's ideologies and structures of control create conditions of conflict, disharmony and chaos in the world. It presumes this chaos to be normal, socially acceptable, respectable, natural, etc. when it is the opposite and consistently produces negative results. The attack on the self esteem, dignity and respect of individuals produces very bad results or consequences, and I would advise Peterson and those people like him to consider this very carefully.

  4. Order and Chaos 
    There is a very thin line between order and chaos. Different configurations of chaos are often misrepresented as order and appear to be order. Beneath the thin veneer of respectability with its designer suits and expensive lifestyles, the social dominance hierarchy which impose this "order" have been proven to be totally corrupt, murderous, unjust, malicious, hateful, perverted and barbarous. This is discussed in the points above and in sections above. Their version of "order" facilitates, imposes and aids and abets disorder, chaos and barbairty. This so called "order" dominates countries and mindsets today. It is sometimes called the 'cesare borgia complex' where the most corrupt, unjust and most criminal of people dominate and control whole societies, and the ordinary people behave like sheep and just bow, crawl and obey while struggling to survive (on scraps). The system is intrinsically chaotic, disordered, corrupt, unjust, evil, etc. and this negatively affects all persons in the hierarchy from top to bottom. Peterson accepts this disoder and chaos and believes it to be order and calls it order.

    Jordan Peterson should address the net effects of this false "order" or the chaos and disorder created by social dominance hierarchies and many religions in the modern world and throughout human history such as :

    (a) create events in the Environment which cause major traumatic shock to the brain, the nervous system and the body, which severely alters brain function, thinking patterns, perception, and behaviour. This can lead to unsocial, anti-social, negative, aggressive, cruel, withdrawn, sad, reclusive, demotivated, or abnormal behaviour, depending on the personality, his / her resilience, and the level of trauma.This tends to feed itself, perpetuate itself, and reinforce itself over time, so that it becomes engrained in one's character and consciousness, and it can persist for years, decades and whole lifetimes. Negative and destructive Environments can intensify and magnify this, and also have various feedback mechanisms which reinforce this.
    (b) destroys the self worth, self esteem, respect and dignity of individuals. The destruction of respect between individuals has multiple domino effects.
    (c) destroys the free will of people. There is no free will. There is programmed will, brainwashed will, traumatised will, pained will, diminshed will.
    (d) destroys equality of opportunity through severely limiting opportunities and associated resources. It also destroys the ability and capacity to avail of opportunities. It narrows the consciousness.
    (e) creates perpetual cycles of damage and pain, and this creates cycles of hate, cycles of revenge and hard heartedness, cycles of addiction and cycles of chaos. It also destroys empathy.
    (f) destroys love in all of its forms
    (g) it perverts and twists values and meanings so that they become negative, hypocritical, ignorant, hateful and judgmental, and destroy the mind and the soul.
    (h) destroys vast amounts of human potential and human possibilities. Including the human potential for good, for harmony and peace, for happy relationships, for advancement of science, commerce, trade, the arts, civilisation, consciousness / spirituality. These are major losses.

    Peterson's solutions appear to ignore this, and encourage surrender or acceptance of it, and reinforce the malicious, vicious and evil forces which have perpetuated this for a very long time. There is a need for Peterson to re-evaluate his own views and address these issues as they arise today and as they arose throughout history and contributed to the modern mindset and world.

  5. The Opposite of Moral Cowardice
    Throughout history people such as Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, JFK, Gandhi, Washington, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin, Madison, Hume, Kant, Bentham, Wilberforce, Hardie, Devoy, Pearse, Clarke, Collins, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Montesquieu, Martin Luther, Roosevelt, Keynes, Pankhurst, Lincoln and the abolitionists challenged the social dominance hierarchy, fought it, protested against it, and over time changed it. The Enlightenment in the late 18th century was brought about by people who went against the status quo of politics and religion, and risked their lives. They were considered "radical" as they opposed and challenged tradition and social dominance hierarchies. The Enlightenment and later the labour rights movement, children's rights movement, the nationalist movements, and the womens right to vote, etc. were all opposed by people very similar to Jordan Peterson such as kings, emperors, princes, popes, clergy, corrupted politicians and their academics and advisors. They supported the social dominance hierarchies and their continued opporessionn of the people.

    Peterson proposes too much acceptance of the social dominance hierarchy and its policies and its agenda, and he encourages too much surrender and acquiescence to it. This can stifle social progress. In todays world oligarchy is replacing democracy, as corrupt politicians are bought and the laws, court appontments, court decisions, regulations and government policies are bought by the very rich. And this is worsening as the richest 1% become richer and new oppressive laws such as the Patriot acts and NDAA become more widespread. And a new wave of criminality, paedophilia and corruption by the social dominance hierarchy has gone un-investigated and un-prosecuted since the 1980's.

    Peterson's works lack a coherent model and platform for real social innovation. Peterson just supports the status quo, the social dominance hierarchy, the oligarchies which are replacing democracies and the horrific crimes and abuses being committed against ordinary people. Peterson supports the Neville Chamberlain complex of surrendering to the many types of tyrants who have ruined humanity for a long time.

  6. Reforms
    Jordan Peterson does not propose a means for making social dominance hierarchies more democratic, more representative of the people, flatter, more accountable to the people and to laws, more just and less corrupt, and more open and transparent. He does not propose structures of accountability for governments and for the richest 1% or those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. He proposes nothing which would stimulate democratic changes and provide a means for (Hegelian) dialectical change over time, which would increase freedoms and accompanying responsibilities, increase human potential, and bring humanity to higher consciousness and higher evolutionary levels.

    Yet Peterson is highly critical and judgmental of those people at the lower levels of the social dominance hierarchy. There is a tendency for him to blame the victim and pick soft targets. Yet the dynamic of society is set by those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy, and they set the rules, the government policies and resource allocations, the taxes, the laws, the business policies, and what appears in the mass media and what the social norms are.

  7. The Moral Cowardice of the Middle Class
    Peterson does not challenge the self contented and self serving middle classes who slavishly obey the dictates of those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy while condemning, demonising and destroying those at the bottom of this hierarchy. The middle class have become far "too busy", they are always busy, perpetually busy, too self interested, self serving and selfish to work for social justice, an end to political corruptio and legal corruption, wider distributions of wealth and income (not communism) and greater fairness, more social cohesion and social solidarity instead of narrow, hateful, violent and irresponsible individualism, and for higher consciousness and better societies. His middle class views just reinforce the current social dominance hierarchy while judging, condemning and castigating those who are socially and economically excluded.

  8. Promoters of Chaos and Disorder - The Wider Effects of Moral Cowardice
    Peterson should more carefully analyse the reasoning and the motives behind the so called “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq in 2003 which never existed and the ‘regime changes’ being pushed by neo cons in the USA. And the murders and genocide, robbery, pillage and destruction in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, etc. resulting from these invasions and regime changes started by those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. Does Peterson realise that it is those people lower down the social dominance hierarchy who pay with the loss of their lives, families, property, freedom, etc. Has Peterson heard about or read the Program for The New American Century and its publications and policies invented by the neo cons who are obsessed with war, regime changes and their profitability, and which have become official US government policy for over 17 years ? He should carefully contemplate the disorder and chaos created by the neo cons or those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy and write more about it. This would inform his own consciousness and the collective consciousness of humanity. The following picture of regime changes and wars may help refresh the memory of Jordan Peterson

  9. Jordan Peterson mentions the nazi concentration camps and soviet gulags many times, yet he never digs deeply for root causes. He skims on the surface and provides superficial analysis. Peterson should read this entire section and the following section ' The Importance of Stigma, Prejudices, Slander, Gossip, Incitements to Hatred and Structured Injustices in the Environment and within the Collective Unconscious' for root causes and answers.

  10. Identity Politics
    Peterson mentions ‘identity politics’ many times and criticises it. The fact is that identity politics has been present in the human race for over 1 million years, since man first became upright. Even the neanderthals and modern man had identity politics issues. The many wars between tribal groups, between races, between nations, between empires, and between religions and the many civil wars and faction wars over history and the disgraceful treatment of women and coloured people over this time and up to the present day points to the fact that ‘identity politics’ is with us and will always be with us. The struggle for national freedom and sovereignty for most of the 20th century was a reaction against the colonialism of previous centuries. It engrained identity politics in many countries and this still exists today. In more modern times, it includes a reaction against federalist structures and the new economic and geo-political colonialism disguised as "regime changes". Identity politics continues to be a strong force in the world today.

    Identity Politics is firmly engrained at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. Among the richest 1% and the most powerful, there will always be a tendency for them to associate together and to discriminate against those they deem to be ‘inferior’. And the middle class tend to copy the lifestyles and mannerisms of the very rich and this replicates the same bigotry, discrimination and social exclusion at the middle of social dominance hierarchy. The middle class are highly judgmental of those they consider to be ‘inferior’, and extremely insulting of such people. This is the identity politics of the rich and the middle class and they are among the strongest supporters of identity politics. Those like Peterson who support the social dominance hierarchy also unwittingly support such identity politics. This identity politics both instigates even more divisions and also new forms of identity politics as humans become even more divided against each other and more seperated from the Source or Prime Creator (also referred to as God). Humanity is deeply divided against itself, on many issues of identity and indeed presumed identity, and yet they possess no understanding of these divisions and the origins and deeper meanings of life / existence. The superificial origins of these divisions and the hate and violence they cause are never questioned or examined. Its much easier to exist in ignorance, inflated egos and arrogance and being excessively "busy" or "very busy". Indeed most people are far too busy being ignorant and remaining ignorant.

    Of course, one can decide to ignore these facts about identity politics and identity war, and falsely claim to be "against identity politics", but that does not change anything as they continue to exist and impose a heavy cost on individuals and societies.

  11. Religion and Jordan Peterson
    Jordan Peterson naively states that religion and perceptions of God can lead to better individuals and better societies. The history of religous bigotry and warfare for over 2,000 years proves him wrong again. He needs to understand that religion has been hijacked by hypocrites and bigots for a long time, and their obsession is to judge, hate, incite hatred and violence against others and to control and dominate people. Hate not love is the core of religions. The evidence of history is there to prove it, "by their fruits shall ye know them". This important realisation will enlighten many people worldwide. Religion has :

    • supported the oppression, mistreatment and denigration of women for thousands of years and today
    • corrupt patriarchal societies including monarchies, empires and invasions and oppression of countries, dictatorships throughout history
    • religious war, Inquisitions, discrimination and sectarian bigotry
    • compulsory celibacy which led to even more sexual perversions including secret affairs, adultery, unmarried mothers and paedophilia
    • ignored paedophilia in the church and covered up paedophilia
    • mistreated many millions of children
    • preached self hatred and destroyed self esteem and self confidence of many
    • segregation in schools and the worsening of religious discrimination, prejudices, suspicions and hatreds
    • presumptions of infallibility and the many errors which emerge from this
    • the enrichment preachers, priests, tele-evangelists and ministers, especially in the USA and a few other developed countries, while ignoring the poverty, the injustices, and the corruption which was destroying the religious message and whole societies
    • suffered contradictions throughout history and corruption at the highest levels of religion. Corruption which facilitates wealth accumulation and egos at the top, and the grinding down of the vulnerable, the naieve and the poor.
    • accepted the status quo and ignored political corruption and legal system corruption, economic injustices, human rights abuses, and other evils in the modern world and for centuries, and encouraged people to accept these evils.
    • failed to confront evil in the world. They do not take responsibility and do not encourage followers to take responsibility. Total neglect of moral and ethical burdens necessary for justice, accountability, fairness and integrity in societies. Some believe in a "messiah" who dies and relieves people of all responsibilities and duties in life, and this allows evil and hell to thrive on earth.
    • preach the denigration, the shaming, the hating, the judging, the condemning and the putting down of individuals. And ordinary people use this against each other to undermine, denigrate and destroy each other.

      Religion's denigration and condemnation of the individual which begins early in childhood leaves a lasting negative impact creating hateful and judgmental individuals. It destroys the self worth, self esteem, respect and dignity of individuals and turns them into people who inflict this on other people. It creates vast numbers of people who have their lives poisoned, they then poison the lives of others, and poison whole societies. This creates all manner of unhappiness, psychiatric, psychological, and physical illnesses and contributes to divorces, seperations, and all types of human conflict. During the 1930's many of Hitler's followers and supporters were devout catholics and protestants and even included members of the clergy. Peterson unfortunately cannot comprehend these facts.

      Religion and perceptions of God are still very medieval and primitive. They lack depth of understanding, and they lack width in terms of consciousness, infinite awareness and existence itself. Most religious believers are superficial and have not read the scriptures of their own religion. They lack understanding of the scriptures and of the inner teachings and messages of their own religions and of how to behave and how to treat others with respect. The core religious values of hate, judgment and hypocrisy work against the very origins of and reasons for religion, spirituality and God, and they produce results which are anti God, as seen throughout history. Importantly they fail to grasp the immensity, depth and complexity of God and in doing so they perpetuate ignorance, narrow mindedness, and accompanying conflict.

  12. Jordan Peterson ignores the many benefits of Secular Humanism, Enlightenment ideals, Deism, Agnosticism, Democratic ideals, and religious tolerance which have facilitated the development of new ethics, moralities and ideals since the Enligtenment which were a major improvement over the Inquisition, religious warfare and genocide, hypocrisy and moral cowardice, superstition, bigotry and discrimination which controlled societies for thousands of years. Thousands of years of darkness, ignorance and evil are not justified by their longevity. Humans are not programmed to be slaves of the past and past brainwashing and indoctrination. They are creatures of change, of evolution of body, mind, spirit, and consciousness. It is correct and ethical to oppose the old, outdated, dark, evil and ignorant policies and viewpoints imposed by social dominance hierarchies and their academic supporters and apologists.

  13. The Manipulation and Distortion of Meaning
    Peterson keeps referring to meaning and claiming that meaning can be derived by individuals. This is only partially true, as there are deeper factors at play. For centuries and milennia social dominance hierarchies have manipulated meaning to further their own interests at the expense of the masses. They have relied on religion and private and public education to create vast armies of dumbed down and ignorant slaves to conform and meekly obey the social dominance hierarchies and their agenda. Subservience to the social dominance hierarchy whether it is a monarch, emperor, pope, archbishop, czar, fuhrer, general secretary, commissar, director, CEO, dictator, general in charge of government, etc. was and is deeply engrained in consciosnesses. Central to this is the manipulation and distortion of meaning itself, which has had a very profound effect at the individual and collective levels. The manipulation and distortion of meaning has created vast amounts of suffering for many millions of people for milennia and have allowed the worst evils, injustices, ignorance, hypocrisy and darkness to dominate. So called "fake news" has been around for thousands of years. It is well known that history is written to suit the interests of the conquerors and those at the of the social dominance hierarchy. Peterson fails to understand the depth and breadth of this manipulation and distortion of meaning, and the fact that it has over time become engrained in the Collective Unconscious.

    This manipulation and distortion of meaning led to outrageous abuses and injustices which caused revulsion and opposition and led to the rise of extreme right wing and extreme left wing movements and governments in the 20th century as peoples sought alternative paths to "progress". Each of these right wing and left wing governments performed in a similar fashion to the prior regimes which dominated for milennia, imposing the same types of leadership, oppression, tyranny, injustices, wars and genocides and the same attempts to manipulate and distort meaning. One observed the same processes taking place but different actors. The sad fact is that the intensive mental programming and brainwashing which manipulated meaning for centuries and milennia remained and continued to dominate, like an undercurrent, during all these changes and turmoil in the 20th century, and still dominates today. The Collective Unconscious is not something to be discarded, denied, ignored, and trivialised.

  14. Discrimination
    Throughout history many good, hard working, honest and decent people (who stood tall with shoulders back and "cleaned their rooms") who followed the rules of society were subjected to oppression, wrongful imprisonment, dispossession, injustices, discrimination, death, famine (Irish Famine and Genocide), suffering and abuses by the state or those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. This contradicts Peterson’s message and writings. Today the same thing is happening. For example, those people suffering disability are at the highest risk of suffering discrimination in employment and this is followed by those of a different colour, race, religion, gender etc. ; all of these are in many cases treated with great disrespect, disdain, discrimination and are subject to many prejudices, abuses and injustices. Laws, rules, policies, loopholes, etc. to enforce discrimination and stigma all serve the narrow interests of those people at the top of the social dominance hierarchy.

    This discrimination is often concealed, subtle and hidden in employment, career advancement, legal system outcomes, court decisions, funding of public schools, availability of public housing and provision of healthcare in western nations and developed nations. Though its obviously worse in developing countries, due to even more outrageous distributions of wealth and income and worse corruption and abuses. He tries to ignore this, under-state this, dismiss it as irrelevant, belittle it, mock it etc. but the facts are there. Its particularly sad to see disabled people willing to work and being refused work on grounds of disability discrimination. Peterson appears to ignore this in his writings and he certainly neglects to address the issue in terms of rational and effective solutions.

  15. Brain Chemicals
    Jordan Peterson accepts the brain chemicals theory as fact. He should read the section Lack of Brain Chemicals Fallacy and Myth on this web page and study the scientific facts showing that lack of brain chemicals do not play a role in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses and emotional illnesses. Other factors including environment and experiences play the main role in the development of mental and emotional illnesses.

  16. Rights and Responsibilities
    Peterson mentions that rights come with responsibilities. This is correct and accurate. He calls for greater responsibility on the part of those people at the middle to lower end of the social dominance hierarchy. In fact he calls for greater submission and surrender to the social dominance hierarchy, which itself is irresponsible. Social dominance hierarchies have created vast amounts of mayhem and disorder throughout history. Yet he never calls for more responsibility and accountability for those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. Most of the serious political and government corruption, legal system corruption, banking corruption, money creation corruption, business corruption, lies and deceit, and serious injustices are at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. He choses to ignore this. Ironically Peterson praises and glorifies those people at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. He should take more time out to research more thoroughly the source of much corruption, social injustices, lies and deceit, tribalistic divisions and hatreds, wars and regime changes, and the prejudices and bigotry which is poisoning the souls and minds of mankind. Peterson should reconsider his views and should call for greater responsibility among those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy and for deep political, economic and social reforms to realise the high ideals of the Enlightenment and the UN Declarations.

    Peterson offers superficial judgment of and condemnation of people without getting to the root causes of much human unhappiness and misery, loss of hope, loss of self esteem and lack of direction. Causality and cause and effect cannot be ignored or presumed to be unimportant..

  17. There is a gender discrimination problem in many societies which Peterson needs to wake up to. In 2017, there were 41,000 rapes in Britain but the conviction rate for rape is about 6%. This means that 94% of rapes do not result in a conviction. No other crime in Britain has such a low conviction rate. There is a tendency for lawyers and barristers to slander and defame the character of women in court during these cases. The press and media loves to denigrate, judge and undermine women in these type of cases. Furthermore police and prosecutors have had a long historical tendency to belittle, ignore and undermine these women. The gender bias against women is still very strong in many societies and this can influence investigations, prosecutions, court decisions, and convictions. For example, in Japan, rape is rarely investigated and prosecuted and many cases are covered up. The very low convictions rates for rape in other countries point to problems of gender bias which can undermine justice under law.

  18. Bullying is a major cause of mental distress and trauma and also mental and emotional illnesses. The school shootings and other mass shootings in the USA have been linked to bullying and to disrespect. Peterson fails to address this thoroughly in his works. The major reason for bullying is the moral cowardice of the bystanders and those people in authority, including academics and professors. Moral cowardice is widespread and indeed encouraged by weak laws, weak anti bullying policies, weak governance, and weak people. People have become too politically correct, too eager to please, too tolerant of abuse, too irresponsible, too eager not to rock the boat, too nice that they have allowed tyrants to thrive in many societies. This has created vast amounts of anger, resentment, hatred, aggression, conflict, etc.. This has often exploded into ferocious violence as witnessed in the school shootings and other mass shootings in the USA. Those at the top and middle of the social dominance hierarchy have lost the ability to implement the necessary polices, procedures, laws, physical restraints, and structures to reduce or prevent bullying and treat those people negatively affected by bullying. One sees a high level of incompetence, stupidity, apathy, and ignorance among the professional classes at the top and middle of this social dominance hierarchy.

  19. Peterson fails to confront the shadow in a way which is appropriate and effective. Most academics and professors worldwide are guilty of this. Confronting the 'shadow' or the criminal, the psychopathic, the evil, the tyrant requires violence in most cases, often extreme violence using weapons, whether this violence is carried out by police, military, or armed civilians. This may sound shocking to liberals, progressives, pluralists, lefties, and religious liberals and conservatives, but this is a fact of human nature and has been proven true for thousands of years. There is a very thin veneer of civilization in western countries, but beneath this veneer lies vast amounts of crime, abuse, paedophilia, deception, corruption, injustices, etc. which poisons life and the human soul. Western societies have become too nice, too liberal, too soft, and too tolerant to confront the shadow or evil, and have lost the ability and competence to defend civilization and basic freedom. Liberalism with it's soft laws, soft sentencing, and legal system and court corruptions have allowed to 'shadow' to thrive and create chaos in societies worldwide. One example being the death penalty which acted to control and reduce the 'shadow' throughout history, but today it is outlawed in many countries in favour of soft sentences and generous parole. Western society needs to reject this excessive liberalism, tolerance and weakness which is destroying it from within, and embrace a new ideal where freedom is protected through fulfilling one's responsibilities and punishing those who transgress, and these punishments must be severe enough to deter, frighten, bind down and control the 'shadow'. Re-introducing the death penalty in certain cases, long jail sentences ranging from 30 to 100 years with no parole for violent crime and white collar crimes, the end of soft sentencing, bringing in progressive increases in crime sentences as more crimes are committed by an individual, harsher punishment of all white collar crimes, the jailing of corrupt government officials and state employees, forced rehabilitation for those people ruining many lives through alcohol and drug abuse, encouraging work instead of welfare and drinking / drugging, and stricter rules and policies to deter bullying in schools, universities, work places, public places are urgently needed. This has to be accompanied by responsibility training in homes, schools, universities, training bodies, and workplaces, etc. which would facilitate the creation of new societies where respect and responsibility would play the dominant role in society.

  20. What is Truth ?
    Peterson tells people not to lie. But, he fails to realise that most of life is a lie for the vast majority of humanity. Most people are living a lie disguised as an interpretation of the truth. Their lives are been twisted, perverted, undermined, manipulated, destroyed, maligned by negative and hateful forces beginning in childhood and extending throughout adulthood. This ruins their true potential, their true selves. This turns peoples lives into lies. This has been aided and abetted by weak, tolerant, liberal, submissive societies which encourage every type of abuse, evil and corruption. The 20th century and 21st century destroyed vast amounts of human potential and human possibilities. Including the human potential for good, for harmony and peace, for happy relationships, for advancement of science, commerce, trade, the arts, civilisation, consciousness / spirituality

    Furthermore many people have been deprived of resources by systems which redistribute vast amounts of the earth's resources from the poor to the very rich, the richest 1%. They have been deprived of love, respect, dignity, self esteem, etc. by a system which grinds people down and also artificially divides them through religion, race, etc. and intensifies judgmental attitudes and hatreds. These have destroyed the realisation of human potential and the true worth of many individuals, and the basic truth of who they are and what they are. This destruction of people is achieved for what goal or objective ? to glorify the egotists, the bullies, the narcissists, the thieves, the corrupters, the psychopaths, and the murderers at the top of the hierarchy.

    Fake news, lies, manipulations, denials and distortions of the truth have long been used by major press and media corporations. These are owned and controlled by those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy, who use fake news and lies to serve their interests and keep the masses of people ignorant, un-informed, divided and easily controlled.

  21. Peterson tells people to stand straight and hold their shoulders back and act as if they are important and deserve respect. This is good advice. Unfortunately this behaviour can encourage others to more viciously attack the person whether through violence or intimidation and harassment or through slander, gossip, and defamation. This always leads to conflict. So Peterson's advice does not resolve the problem, it merely exposes the individual to more attack and to more conflict. Peterson does not address:
    a) the negative effects of social dominance hierarchies which attack and grind people down, especially those at the mid to lower end of the hierarchy
    b) The Core Issues mentioned above which create artificial and hateful divisions between people and cause people to grind each other down
    c) the negative effects of religions which preach the denigration, the shaming, the hating, the judging, the condemning and the putting down of individuals. Ordinary people use this against each other, and many have suffered from the effects of malicious gossip, backbiting, rumours and slanders

  22. Malicious Gossip, Backbiting, Rumours and Slanders
    Peterson does not address the destructive effects of malicious gossip, backbiting, rumours and slanders, and he does not propose solutions. The Bible states that the tongue or words have the power to kill or give life. The Book of James in the Bible addresses this problem in a thorough manner. Gossip kills people. Pope Francis stated this in some of his writings and public sermons. Other religions have similar teachings about gossip and slandering. All state that it severely damages people and can kill. Many mental illnesses and emotional illnesses and some physical illnesses are caused by this activity. Yet Peterson and indeed many psychologists, psychiatrists and health professionals ignore it.

  23. Relationships, Marriages, Families
    The social dominance hierarchy which emerged during the Reagan and Thatcher years and is widespread today created new generations of people who are selfish, self centred, cold and calculating, hard hearted, greedy, unloving, hard faced, mean spirited, judgmental, prejudiced and nasty. They worship money, wealth, status, power and these form the basis of relationships and breeding. These are the dominant traits in the modern world. This very judgmental, critical, hateful, nasty and quite vicious environment poisons individuals, relationships, families and marriages and causes many to fail. Divorces, marital seperations, relationship breakdowns have been high for many years in developed countries. The world is dominated by hate not by love. This is the most important fact and realisation in the modern world, and one which Jordan Peterson needs to ponder very deeply. Many people are single, unmarried, divorced, seperated and
    lonely because they are rejected by this hateful, judgmental and vicious system. This poisoning of people's souls and minds destroys people from within, and infects the collective consciousness of humanity. The young and the naieve learn this the hard way later in life. While health professionals and professors learn it through their own bitter experience and the bitter experiences of their patients. Yet Peterson appears to ignore these important facts when supporting the social dominance hierarchy. Peterson needs to analylse this more deeply and write / lecture more about it.

  24. The oedipal complex is often wrongly applied to people (aged 21 and older) who have chronic illnesses and are forced to return to their parent’s homes. In many cases they are unable to work due to chronic illness. The sad fact is that chronic illness is quite widespread and growing due to
    a) an increasingly toxic environment which poisons food, water and air and over consumption of dangerous fats and sugars
    b) the resistance of germs to antibiotics and anti-virals due to over-use / abuse and too much concentration on a few synthetic chemicals
    c) high levels of stress at work
    d) medical incompetence in diagnosing and treating chronic illnesses
    When babies were born in the late 20th and early 21st century they had hundreds of environmental toxins in their body, transferred via the parent and the polluted environments. They are already set up for a variety of terrible illnesses. Medical knowledge about this varies from one of total ignorance to one of misinformation to rare expertise. Ignorance is widespread in the health professions. This pollution is largely caused by the profit drive of those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy who dont care about the environment or fellow humans. While the high stress levels at work are inflicted on those at the middle to bottom of the hierarchy in order to increase the profitability of those at the top. And again those at the top don't care if too much stress kills people as they can be replaced by more "rats on the treadmill".
    Many seriously ill patients go from doctor to doctor desperately looking for solutions. And many use up the scarce resources of acute (or emergency) hospital services due to the fact that most health services have no chronic illness treatment facilities. Most health systems in developed countries are ignorant about chronic illness and the massive financial and economic costs it imposes and they lack the competence and insight to properly treat chronic illness, thus many patients are neglected for years or left to die. Suicide is often the best option for them. The term "neglected to death" or "harassed to death" or "sickened to death" or "tortured to death" are appropriate descriptions.

    And then are cases where economic stagnation, economic collapse or recession / depression which force many young people and middle aged people into unemployment, under-employment and destitution and in some cases back to their parents homes. The case of Greece after the 2008 crash being one good example. Most of these people want to work and earn good wages and have good relationships and live independently with dignity, but they are denied this, shut out. The denial of this points to serious defects in economics and politics. Peterson is unable to understand the complexities of modern economics, banking and politics.

    The world is a very complex place, and is made more complex by the factors mentioned above. Peterson and indeed other psychologists and psychiatrists fail to factor these complexities into their views and theories.

  25. Jordan Peterson mentions freedom of speech many times, but forgets to mention responsibility of speech. There are responsibilities attached to the rights of free speech. Those who exercise free speech have a right to exercise responsibilities while doing so. For example, racists, nazis, communists, extreme left wingers and right wingers, those working for the elite / covering up for them, thugs and murderers, paedophiles, and religious bigots have a tendency to insult others and incite hatred and violence against others, and they believe that they have right to do this. And many use lies, deceit and slanders to do this. Some even cite Jordan Peterson in their defence while others blame him. These people do not understand that freedom of speech is innately related to responsibility of speech, they exist together, they come together. One’s responsibilities underpins one’s rights. There is a responsibility, a duty, not to incite hatred and violence against others and not to maliciously insult others. In today’s world with it’s fake news and manipulation of news by elites, it is difficult to establish what is really happening in the world. And there is much censorship by elites and by the left wing and the right wing. Fake news, lies and manipulations by politicians and news sources, along with all the prejudices and hate inherited from the social dominance hierarchy undermines the individual consciousness and collective consciousness, and provides ample ground for misunderstandings and conflict. and unfortunately makes positive and constructive debate very difficult.

    One should always research facts and evidence, including that which is deliberately concealed  (see Wiki-leaks and whistleblowers) and use several verification techniques to arrive at truths, and then state the facts and evidence in a rational and reasonable manner with a view to getting one’s points across to other people, and expressing truth, while making it clear that one does not wish to incite hatred and violence against anyone. One should also be open to the fact that one could be right or wrong, or partially right or partially wrong, or that future research and analysis will need to be undertaken to provide full clarification, and that all scientific and human theories are subject to falsification as stated by Popper. This level of rational and critical thinking is not taught in high schools and Universities, though it should be taught there and made compulsory in all educational institutions worldwide. This would help reverse and end the dumbing down process in secondary schools and Universities.

  26. Peterson confuses both patriarchy and matriarchy. The modern world is dominated by patriarchy and patriarchal structures, thought processes, mindsets, reactions, and policies. This has been the case for many millennia The evidence of history shows that this has patriararchy has led to higher levels of aggression, egocentric behaviour, greed, selfishness, hatred, intolerance and prejudice, injustices, etc. and the many crimes, conflicts and wars which naturally emerge from this. While some women have rose to power within these patriarchies, these women were dominated by patriarchal attitudes, concepts, processes and structures ; the whole being and consciousness of these women was dominated by patriarchy. They were not matriarchies because some women was in power, they were patriarchies with a female face. These patriarchal women imposed patriarchal values and policies just as much as men did. These patriarchal women derived their strength from the patriarchy and had no understanding of matriarchy and no desire to introduce it. In fact, patriarchal women hate matriarchies and matriarchal values. Patriarchal women tend to be hard faced, intolerant, judgmental and selfish and are every bit as ruthless as patriarchal men. Women such as Margaret Thatcher were good examples of patriarchal women. Peterson fails to understand this and to explain this to his audience.

  27. The press and media play a major role in this through programming and brainwashing of the people, encouraging them to ignore, dismiss or meekly accept great crimes, corruptions and injustices. The press and media have become complicit in these crimes. Most people are too frightened to speak up or protest. This is mentioned in the points above. This along with the increasing concentration of wealth and resources at the top of the hierarchy and accompanying injustices, deprivation, mockery, and depravity dished out to the bottom of the hierarchy creates conditions for nastiness, disrespect and criminality to thrive at the bottom. Thus the very structure and function of the social hierarchy is the greatest generator of disorder, chaos and evil. Ironically Peterson seems to support this social dominance hierarchy despite the massive damage it does.

    Individuals lower down the social dominance hierarchy are easy targets for blaming and shaming by Peterson and others. They are convenient scapegoats. And of course there are never enough resources to re-educate, train, heal, treat, rehabilitate, house, mentor, employ,  etc. these people. There is an inability of governments, health professionals, academics, philanthropies and foundations, banks and businesses to engage in joined up thinking and take innovative and creative steps to remedy these problems at a deep level. Its far easier to blame the victim and ignore the problem. This is especially the case in the modern world where governments have been bankrupted bailing out corrupt banks and financial institutions and giving tax breaks to the rich and powerful, laundering money in tax havens, giving more over-priced government contracts to the rich, and facilitating the misappropriation (or theft) of billions of euros and dollars in taxpayers funds by the powerful. Governments are prepared to break the backs of taxpayers and government itself to bail out and further enrich the richest 2%. These massive banking debts and government debts emerge from money created out of nothing. Money created out of nothing is a fraud, but the banks are allowed to do this. Most of this money created out of nothing was wasted on speculation in prices. Hundreds of billions of euros and dollars wasted and lost on nonsense. And countries and taxpayers bankrupted to pay for this nonsense. Nobody seeming to realise that money created out of nothing can be cancelled, written off, and lessons learnt. Peterson does not address these important issues.

  28. The Enlightenment and an Evolving Consciousness
    Jordan Peterson’s use of the archetypes proposed by Jung neglects to mention a deeper meaning to these archetypes. If one analyses the deeper significance of these archetypes one sees a battle between the forces of pure evil and pure goodness within the individual, between individuals and between groups of individuals. One also sees a seeking, a yearning for a higher power, a higher ideal, a God through which the answers to meaning, life and existence lie, a God who is a model of virtue in a world over-run with evil, vice, and religious hypocrisy, a God who provides solace and comfort in a world full of injustices and hate. The Enlightenment of the 18th century deepened this outlook providing a greater appreciation of the value of the individual and the value of individual rights, of freedom, of democracy, of God given rights, of democratic and human rights, of respect and of dignity. The Enlightenment writers believed these rights and freedoms were God given and this created the ideal, a divinely ordained ideal. This conflicted with traditional religious teachings which stated that people were serfs, slaves, scum, sinful wretches, dirt with no rights and at the mercy of monarchs, oligarchs and tyrants. The battle between religion and the Enlightenment raged for much of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Peterson finds himself supporting religions which opposed the Enlightenment, and who denigrated, belittled, and put down ordinary working class people or those at the low end of the social dominance hierarchy, depriving them of basic rights for centuries, and opposed ideals such as democracy, freedom, and human rights for centuries and milennia Peterson needs to reflect deeply on this.

    The Enlightenment was an excellent example of an Evolving Consciousness and an Evolving Perception of the world. It overthrew dominance hierarchies which had existed for centuries and milennia. And overthrew many of their value systems and their meanings. This directly contradicts Peterson and his use of the red lobster example. This Evolving Consciousness is something which seperates man from other animals and other species. We do not have to be controlled by violence, fear, prejudice and greed based programming ad brainwashing which is millions of years old. New research in neuroscience shows that the human brain has neuroplasticity properties and can grow new connections and form new relationships and new paradigms, and can overcome challenges and outmoded and outdated forms of thinking. These Enlightenment freedoms included individual responsibilities and collective responsibilities as being necessary for the protection of essential rights and freedoms, which were new to the human mind and condition. A firm linkage between rights and responsibilities was established as the foundation of democracy and human rights. Peterson should note that some of these responsibilities involve defending democracy against the corrupt dominance hierarchies such as religions, corrupt politicians and corrupt governments, corrupt police and judges, monarchists, and tyrants of the right wing and left wing who have opposed democracy for several centuries. These ideas of rights and accompanying responsibilities are something which is slowly diffusing into the collective consciousness of humanity, since the Enlightenment, despite the best efforts of corrupt governments and religious fanatics in western countries and developing countries to suppress it and oppose it. This suppression and oppression is based on protecting the interests of those at the top of the social dominance hierarchy.

    All of the above factors inform the human condition at a deep level, affecting the conscious and the unconscious, enabling it to traverse between different levels of order and different levels of chaos.  All of this creates a constant dynamic involving archetypes over time (decades and centuries) and a continuous friction and conflict between order and chaos, freedom and slavery, and good and evil and the ability, motivation and courage to confront and overcome evil in the modern world. This represents an Evolving Consciousness.

  29. Economics, banking, money creation, politics, resource allocations, wealth distribution, sociology play a major role in determining people's lives and the collective consciousness. These are human constructs and subject to change over time. They are not permanent, immutable, unchanging, fixed ideas and systems, despite the best efforts of those on the right wing (and left wing) to claim that they are. Though ignorance of these issues play a large part in the great damage they inflict on societies and humanity. Jordan Peterson should study the economic examples of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the writings of Nobel Laureates such Stiglitz, Shiller and Krugman, Reich, Keen, Hudson, Galbraith, Piketty, Weitzman, Montagne, and new works such as ‘New World Disorder’ by Egan which provide practical economic and political solutions for the modern world.

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